Glossary entry

Danish term or phrase:

gjort den hvilende del af probens øje mindre ud til

English translation:

made the inactive part of the probe\'s eye smaller towards

Added to glossary by stephen mewes
Feb 10, 2008 07:17
16 yrs ago
Danish term

gjort den hvilende del af probens øje mindre ud til

Danish to English Medical Medical (general)
Vi har dog lavet en modificering ved dilationsproben, idet vi har gjort selve øjet til gennemstik fiksering af proben, og dermed gjort den hvilende del af probens øje mindre ud til aora væggen
Proposed translations (English)
3 made the inactive part of the probe's eye smaller towards

Proposed translations

1 day 18 hrs

made the inactive part of the probe's eye smaller towards

my suggestion - This is verbatim. You might want to rewrite the sentence.
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