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Virtual memoQ Day 2014

May 28, 2014


LiveDocs vs. Alignment – how to cut down project preparation time

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With LiveDocs, Kilgray has taken memoQ yet another step beyond the conventional idea of translation memories.

In this presentation, we will show you how to save time by shifting alignment into the translation work phase; how to save costs by organizing translations into a collection of documents instead of a traditional TM; and how to enhance quality through leveraging even monolingual documents and binary files.

Speakers:Lexie Sabota
Lexie is Kilgray’s Pre-Sales and Support Engineer for the Americas. She comes from a LSP in Spain, where she managed the projects within memoQ, provided trainings and support to the translators and PMs, and worked as a localization engineer. She holds a degree in Corporate Communications from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas.

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Discussion for Virtual memoQ Day 2014 session (2014): LiveDocs vs. Alignment – how to cut down project preparation time
Frank H.
Frank H.
How to start... May 28, 2014

Sorry if this the dullest question ever, but how do I get the presentation running?

Drew MacFadyen
Drew MacFadyen  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 17:18
Spanish to English
+ ...
This session "Live docs versus alignment" is on-demand - play video at bottom of screen May 28, 2014

There is an embedded player at the bottom of the page at http://www.proz.com/virtual-conferences/614/program/9566 simply press play. For the live sessions a larger embedded player will appear at the start of the live session.

Unable to play this session May 28, 2014

I am able to attend the live sessions, but can't play this one. Error: e4a554ed-e2b0-4106-a6bc-372b7bc720e2


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