The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Spanish to English Economics Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
aval, aval moral endorse [the projects]
ámbito geográfico de aplicación del impuesto Geographical area for application of the tax
Ética de los negocios en ciencias comerciales business ethics in commercial sciences
baja recuperación low yield mortgages
Entered by: fionn
bajos encadenamientos de empleo hacia atrás low (weak) backward employment linkages
Balance activo/balance pasivo Assets and Liabilities
balance y cuenta de resultados auditados audited financial statements
Entered by: Rebecca Hendry
Banca de Negocios e Inversiones Ibersuizas Banca de Negocios e Inversiones Ibersuizas
base imponible negativa negative tax base
búsqueda de posición en frontera eficiente search for efficient frontier position/efp search
Entered by: Edward Tully
Beneficio Retenido Retained Profit
Bienes de Uso Donados Used Property Donations
bimestre two-month period
bolsas de oportunidad pockets of opportunity
bonos de frontera border bonuses
buena marcha del empleo how employment has improved
burbuja de las puntocom dot-com bubble
cabe apreciar it is worth noting
cabe destacar de cara a However, faced is worth pointing out that
Entered by: liz askew
cadenas de agroindustria agro-industrial chains
Entered by: Mónica Algazi
Caja Laboral (Cooperative) Savings Bank
cajas paraestatales parastatal funds, semi-public funds
calce con las obligaciones matching it with our client's liabilities (towards us)
cambio fijo y cambio sobrevaluado fixed and overvalued exchange rate
campos feriales fairgrounds
canasta básica ... espiral alcista basic shopping basket ... upwards-spiralling price trend
canasta de alimentos básicos basic food basket
cancelar un contrato anticipadamente early termination of contract
Canje Bancario bank exchange / trade
capidisminuidas weakened, undermined, diminished
capital físico reproducible physical capital / basic infrastructure
capital rentista investment capital
capital social share capital
capitalismo trustificado trustified capitalism
captación capture
cargas fiscales tax burdens
cargo y data charge and discharge
carteras de portafolio portfolio investments
cascarón vacío empty shell
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