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Spanish to English Fisheries Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
fly-fishing pesca con mosca
guarnecidas entre sí mutually protected
hace que se desarrolle en la zona un fenómeno de inmersión leads to the phenomenon of sinking water masses in the area
haladores de redes net haulers
hay “mucha gente que pepena" there are a lot of people "picking stuff up"
HON Head on
Entered by: Helena Chavarria
huepo Giant Jackknife Clam
Ictiómetro ichtyometer
ilicios de ANF La 'caña de pesca' y el 'señuelo' de los peces Lophiiformes, utilizados para atraer las presas cerca
industria de alimentos balanceados industry of balanced feed; balanced feed industry
intercambio exchange (programmes)/inter-regional exchange programmes
jabas cosecheras harvesting crates
jaula de engorde fattening cage / farming cage
Jefatura Territorial Territorial Authority
juveniles de berdel juvenile mackerels
la retahíla de dientes que esta posee with its row of teeth
Entered by: EirTranslations
lance night cast
Entered by: EirTranslations
lavado de vena rinse of remaining vein waste
Entered by: Jessica Klingberg
levantamiento capture
licor de prensa press liquor
lingote ingot
Entered by: Melissa Mann
llamadas cónicas, de mano o de cuchara known as conical, hand or spoon (nets)
luga luga luga luga
marcar las parcelas (de pianguas) ...mark plots/area/beds
marea de pesca fishing expedition
margarita lisa winkle / periwinkle
marisqueo a pie (harvesting by) handpicking of shellfish
melanosis en grasa melanization in fat (cells/tissue)
mercados orientados a la comercialización de platillos tipo Sushi y Sashimi markets in which sushi- or sashimi-type dishes are sold
Microtomo Microtome
mingo mingo
miticultor mussel farmer
mortalidad mortality
muertos dead weights
nasa creel
nasas (artes de fondo) creels and bottom fishing gear
Entered by: EirTranslations
naves receptivas -almacén Appropriately-Sized Receiving Storage Facilities/Warehouses
ordenación pesquera, ordenación de las pesquerías fishing ordering / fisheries ordering
oreja de mar ear shell or ormer
Entered by: patinba
palangre de fondo bottom set longline
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