The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Spanish to English General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
Que sí mamá, que sí, que gustar es la palabra Honestly, Mum, I mean it, I really do like it
que se adpate al ritmo que le viene. so that it would adapt to its own rhythm
Entered by: Edward Tully
que seguían escribiendo sus particulares trazos en el horizonte traces of which could still be seen in / lined/ delineated /the horizon/
que seguimos siendo pertinentes that we continue being able to help
que si leave it out
Que siempre en todo pareces menos de lo que eres. never do yourself justice, in anything you do
Entered by: Carol Gullidge
que sirva para remedios take it and shove it
que suena rico rich-sounding
Entered by: Rene Ron
que tanto llueve how much rain there is
Que tenga como contraparte backed up up with
Que yo te doy pan! I will give you bread
queda a libre elección del presentador. (The speaker) will freely select the topic of his/her presentation
Quedaba en remojo he/she was kept in standby
Entered by: EirTranslations
quedando una niña after having a little (baby) girl
quedarse con las ganas saw his hopes (of playing) dashed
Quedo a su completa disposición etc Please don't hesitate to contact me... SEE BELOW
Quedo al pendiente o Estoy al pendiente Awaiting for your/the reply/response
quedo la orden para recibir cualquier indicación vuestra. I am at your disposal if you need to contact me for....
quemar etapas (don't try to) grow up too fast
quiénes le reportan Reported to by
quien ese mismo día causaba baja who was finishing work / going into retirement that same day / for whom it was his/her last day at work
Quiero presentarle a un profesional muy motivado y meticuloso. I'm a highly motivated, detail-oriented/meticulous individual/professional.
Quiero sentirme [company name] I want to have that [company name] feeling
quincenal (alquiler de autos) two-week rental
quincho barbecue / BBQ area
Entered by: Rafael Molina Pulgar
Quizás su empresa tenga una venta puntual en Sudamérica Maybe your company has a contracted sale in South America.
radicar entre divide (his or her) time between...
ramplas wheelbarrows / two-wheeled hand carts
rana parada frog on hind legs
ras de mar sea level
Entered by: Carolina Ramirez
RAZONAMIENTOS JURÍDICOS legal grounds / legal precedents / legal reasoning / legal justification
real conocimiento practical understanding
realidad context / concept
realizó estudios técnicos en empresas y actividades turísticas completed technical studies in business and tourism
reanudar resume
reborujadero mess
rebuscarselas (we have to) hustle (this way to survive)
recámara bedroom, bedroom set
recepción a pie de avión runway reception (or change structure according to sentence)
Entered by: Laura Gómez
receptores y auriculares receiver - headset
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