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Spanish to English Geography Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
200,600 200.600
Entered by: Richard Hill
a la escala global on a global scale
Entered by: EirTranslations
accidente geográfico geographical feature
Accidentes (Europa) rough terrain
acciones puntuales (en urbanización e infraestructuras) specific actions
acorazado (n.) fig., protected area, (specially) demarcated area
acummulaciones coluviales colluvial accumulations
adoquín cobblestone
afloramiento [relating to groundwater] (effluent) seepage
agencia agencia (municipal office)
Entered by: Michele Fauble
agregado aggregative
agua encauzada channelled water
alcores hills
Alfaro; Quito; Pichincha Alfaro
altura de una cuchilla on the crest of a hill
América se caracteriza por disposición del relieve America is characterized by its unique topography
America the Americas (here)
Amplitud geográfica Geographic Scope
análisis y expresión cartográfica cartographic analysis and design
aplanamientos cuspidales cusp/cuspidal flattenings
Entered by: Valeria Verona
arco de círculo máximo great circle route
Entered by: Janet Ross Snyder
arrecife musulmán muslim road
Entered by: BristolTEc
arroyo Salud Salud creek
Entered by: Fabio Descalzi
área subtendida arriba del punto de captación subtended area above the catchment point
áreas of de amortiguación buffer zone / buffer area
bahía de bolsa pocket bay
bajo de Madrid bajo de Madrid [Translators Note: ground floor in Madrid]
bajos sandbanks
banco marisquero shellfish bed
Barrio alto Barrio Alto
bene nord Benelux North
berma berm
Berrocal Granite boulder area/landscape
bolsones elevated valleys / basins
bonal peatland/mire
Borde Level
Bordes/Lados de una Quebrada/Barranco banks/sides of gorges/ravines
bravo (as in Rio Bravo) fierce / wild / savage
breñón (large expanse of) scrubland
C.U.P. List of Woodlands of Public Benefit
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