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Spanish to English Law (general) Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
a efectos de aforo for measurement purposes
a efectos de que por vía de ocurso o cualquier otra gestión in order that by means of a petition or any other action required by...
a efectos de subasta for the purpose of sale by auction
a efectos estrictamen This is issued for purposes strictly administrative and consular international purposes
A estos efectos, serán imputados a los ingresos en especie To this end, the expenses will be be allocated to income in kind corresponding to earned income
Entered by: Willem Prinse
a excepcion de xxx por haberse sacado testimonio [the criminal Court exonerated] General XXX on an exception basis, as ....[cont'd below]
a excusas unbeknown to
a expensas del resultado to the detriment of the results
a falta de su señalamiento without prior notice
a favor filii the favor filii doctrine
Entered by: Edward Potter
a fecha coincidente con la del cierre de... set on a coinciding date with that of the closing of the
a fin de formar el expediente so as to create / so as to open the file
a fin de que conozca bien el hecho punible que se le atribuye...declaracion prep so that (he) may fully learn the offense claimed against (him)...
a fin de que figure el nombre de madre como in order for the name of the mother to appear as
Entered by: Silvia Brandon-Pérez
a fin de que se provea respecto (legal actions) brought with respect to
a fs XX se contestó la vista the proceeding/hearing recorded on folio XX was answered
a instancia de la parte más diligente upon request of the most diligent party
a instancia de mi principal at my client's request
a instancia particular privately-instigated
a instancias de lo resuelto por la camara de apelaciones ...taking into account the Court of Appeals decision
a juicio de esta representación in my opinion as legal representative
Entered by: Edward Tully
a juicio diverso consolidation of several causes (of action)/ suits
A Junio del 2010... As of / In June 2010
a la altura del numero 285 by number 285
a la coactiva to the obligatory payment of debt owed to the state
a la fecha cierta de su presentación on the actual date of submission
a la informativa request(s) for information
a la inminenete ejecución de la maniobra ilícita "... (with regards to) the imminent carrying out (execution) of the unlawful manoeuvre..."
a la luz de la normativa y de la jurisprudencia in light of the regulations and jurisprudence
a la luz de los informes in light of the [information in the] reports
a la menor no se le conoce bienes de su propiedad The child has no known property or assets
a la orden o al portador contra una persona supuesta to order or to bearer drawn by an imaginary person
Entered by: patinba
a la presencia de argumentos relevantes. In the presence of relevant arguments/reasons...
a la que accede of which this annex forms part
Entered by: EirTranslations
a la que fijé e inutilicé un sello del timbre to which I did affix and cancel (by crossing out) a Revenue stamp
a la que se le acumula ta criminal complaint to which a later claim by XX has been added (joined)
a la que se le pretende oponer which it is claimed that he (Mr. X) opposes
a la que x ha condicionado la efectividad on which Company A has conditioned the effectiveness...
a la restitución de la cosa, la reparación del dano o la indemnización del perju restitution of property, reparation of the loss, and compensation for damages
A la solicitud de asignación anticipada de alimentos Upon the request for advance assignation of foodstuffs
Entered by: Michael Boone
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