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Spanish to English Law (general) Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
"parte persiguiente" "parte perseguida" plaintiff/ defendant
"Por 1 Dia" (1) day publication only
"Por asignacion a este organo subjetivo el conocimiento del asunto" assignment to hear the case was made to this court that has personal jurisdiction
Entered by: Rebecca Jowers
"Por delegación y disposición número 675940" through authority and provision number 675940
"por el de hecho" de facto
"Primera copia, escritura n° 2" first (certified notarial) copy, deed no. 2 / first copy of the original, deed no. 2
"Prueba Pericial Judicial" expert court evidence
"pudiendo al efecto" empowering/authorising
"que la fotocopia que aparece en el anverso de la presente es auténtica "that the photocopy appearing on the obverse hereof is true..."
"ratificar" la presente denuncia, al igual que las personas verify this complaint as well as the signors
"rechazó el recurso sin tratar el fondo del asunto " denied the appeal without ruling on the merits
Entered by: Marian Greenfield
"Registrese, notifiquese y ejecutoriada que sea la presente, librese oficio al.. Let these presents be filed and notified, having become final, let an official communication be issued
"remitiéndose al efecto testimonio de la misma para la anotación correspondiente submitting for that purpose a transcript thereof for the corresponding entry/note/annotation
"rotación normal" normal turnover
"S.A" - "Sociedades limitadas u otras" S.A.s(corporations)/Limited partnerships and others
Entered by: Marina Soldati
"Saluda, exhorta y hace saber.." do hereby greet, request and make known
"se afectó" en fideicomiso traslativo de dominio..... was allocated in trust trasferring ownership ...
"Se dan por reproducidos, a los efectos del presente Auto..." For the purposes of this document, xxx are deemed to have been incorporated by reference herein
Entered by: Rebecca Jowers
"se fijó el acuerdo de ley" resolution
"se verifica la configuración de la causal establecida en el artículo 55" "shows/demonstrates/corroborates the existence of the cause/grounds established in article 55"
Entered by: eVeritas
"Secretaria unica a mi cargo" sole clerk's/court office = secretaría única
"Servicios de la Sociedad de la Informacion y de comercio electronico" Services of the Association for the Electronic Information and Commerce
"Sindicación en actos onerosos" syndication (of shares) through paid transactions
"Solicitud de Emisión de Cheques" Request for Issuance of Checks; check requisition
"Taller de Práctica Jurídica Integrada" Workshop on Integrated Legal Practice
Entered by: Edward Tully
"técnica jurídica" legal technique/procedural technique
"título de conducción" driver's (or driving) title
"telle-quelle" trademark "as is" trademark
"traslado de auto" forwarding of pleadings/proceedings
"tráfico de influencias" exercise of undue influence/influence peddling
"un expediente que contiene cuatro fichas" a case file containing four entries
"Voluntad Anticipada. Testamento Vital. Autocuratela” Advance Directive / Living Will / Self-Guardianship
"X compareció por escrito, demandando a Y..." By a written petition (or complaint), X appeared before the Court in order to sue Y...\"
"XXX s/ Sucesion" In the (Matter of) the Estate of XXX
"Y VISTOS: RESULTANDO: CONSIDERANDO: FALLO: ..." having reviewed and considered the facts, I rule
Entered by: Marian Greenfield
$vc valor consular
$vc $cv (consular value)
',que actua legalmente con Secretario que autoriza y firma." who is legally acting with the Clerk who is authorizing and signing
'aunque incurran en la figura juridica' even when they may fall or incur within the legal definition
'con un registro' de 20 marcas y dominios web having registered 20 trademarks and web domains
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