The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Spanish to English Marketing Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
Hacerse con cuota de mercado gain market share
hacerse un hueco position themselves (in the market)
han construido la historia de las ventas have established the sales track-record
harta salida that sell well
hábitat populated region
Herramienta para la gestión de la información de la competencia publicitaria Tool for managing information about competitors' advertising
Herramienta de apoyo a la toma de decisiones Decision making support tool
herramientas de cartera mailing list tools
higiene personal body care/personal care/personal hygiene/personal grooming
hojas con diseño sheets with designs
horario estelar prime time
horizonte temporal timeline
identificación gráfica graphic identity
Entered by: Andrew Darling
identificación proyectiva projective identification
ilusionando y comprometiéndoles en las posibilidades del resultado final. motivating them and engaging them in the final result/outcome
imagen reputacional reputational image
imágenes encadenadas dissolved images
Entered by: Hazel Whiteley
impactos de nicho niche hits
impactos mensuales (receives over 5,000) views / click-throughs per month
implantar en el cien por cien de enseñas en el campo to get one hundred percent of the brands operating in the field on board
importancia que sigue teniendo hoy en día emphasize/emphasise how important ... still is even today. / reminds us/emphasises how much ... continues to matter
importe libre for an amount of your choice
impronta transgresora ofending/transgressive imprint
improve (in this context) reduce
Impulsaciones Demonstrations
incentivos (here) incentives
Incluso para un mismo individuo, el The level of engagement, from a Distribution Chain perspective... might not be the same as that one from...
Incorporación de todas las series básicas del modelo Incorporation of all the model's basic series
incremento en el gasto por ticket higher spending per purchase
Entered by: patinba
incrementos de precio escalonados prices are raised gradually
Incrementos puntuales en las Altas como consecuencia de la Publicidad New contracts peak in the wake of advertising drives
indemnización por despido improcedente compensation for unfair or wrongful dismissal
Indicador en marcha On (indicator) Light
industrial-escaparate industrial showcase
Informacion util en tiempo util The right information at the right time.
Ingeniero comercial en administración de empresas Bachelor\'s Degree in Business Administration
iniciativa special offer/promotion
inscripción de precios pricing
insights de calado deep insights
instalaciones frigoríficas cold storage plant
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