The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Spanish to English Marketing Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
atributos de proximidad proximity
Entered by: EirTranslations
auditor de tienda store auditor / store audit
aumentar las contrataciones increase hiring
Entered by: Maria Elena Martinez
autoliquidable self-liquidators
automóvil car
autonomía range
autopromoción self-promoting/self-promotion
aval de garantía guarantor
AVS AVS = Approved vendor Scheme
Entered by: Angie Taylor
ayuda con frase see explanation
ágiles y operativas swift and effective
ámbito sector
área de reserva reserved space
Entered by: Hazel Whiteley
áreas de deterioro de tiempo de visita length-of-stay deterioration areas
índice de conversión del escaparate conversion rate of window shoppers to buyers
índice de recuerdo recall rate
índices máximos de saturación del medio maximum saturation levels in the medium
¿Afecta la publicidad de la misma manera? Does all advertising /publicity have the same effect?
¿Cada categoria un mundo? each category a world in its own right?
¿Dónde llevan las verduras? Where are the veggies (vegetables) in the recipie?
Entered by: Victoria Frazier
¿De qué depende el voto...? What makes voters choose XXX?
¿Existen “efectos halo” que nos ayuden a capitalizar inversiones entre sí? Are there "halo effects" that help us cross-capitalize on investments?
¿La companía está orientada a hacer juguetes? Is the company geared towards producing toys/games?
¿Qué hace al mito? What makes a myth?
¿Sabemos qué hay detrás de cada alta? Do we know what's behind each new client?
¿Son todos los períodos del año válidos para realizar nuestras campañas? Can we launch OR run a campaign at any time of the year?
Óptico timeline
“Z” de 2 colas two tailed z-score
bajada creativa a creative, focused/targeted/local approach
Entered by: Edward Tully
banderas azules blue flags
banderolas fabric swatches
Entered by: Michele Fauble
barreras de abandono switching barriers
Entered by: Dr. Andrew Frankland
bases legales terms and conditions
batirse el cobre (con) to fight it out (with)
Bº múltiple multiple benefit
bebida de fantasia non-alcoholic beverages/drinks
bien coto really good
bio de las gafas history of/ bio of
blanco lavado washed white
boca-oreja by word of mouth
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