The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Spanish to English Media / Multimedia Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
te quedas en el principio de aquellas you are only limited to the principle/guideline of those.....
Televisíon abierta free-to-air television (FTA)
Entered by: Kimberly De Haan
televisión cerrada / abierta pay-TV, free-to-air TV (FTA)
televisión en señal abierta free-to-air (FTA) television
televisión generalista generalist television
televisión hertziana terrestrial television
Testadura enmienda o palabra interlineada Deletions, amendments or insertions
testigos de grabacion continua continuous recording indicators
Tiempos garantizados guaranteed time slots
Entered by: Silvia Brandon-Pérez
tiempos oficiales official time-slots
toma de contacto ice-breaker
tomar la señal desde el movil respectivo take the signal from the appropriate OB vehicle
top manta illegal street vendors/vending
totém de LED LED totem
transacciones de deuda derivative instruments such as forwards and swaps
tune in (see sentence) introducing/presenting
un canto a la amistad a celebration of friendship
un diario de referencia newspaper of record
una base de datos relacional centralizada centralized relational data base
una opinión formada have no formed opinion
unidireccional one-way / unidirectional
vía de agudos high frequency channel
vehículo (media) vehicle
Video 4K monocanal Single channel 4 K video
video análogo analogue video
Entered by: Victoria Porter-Burns
vigente current/valid/in effect
viralizarían a posteriori later made go viral
voz en off voice-over
\\\"Hablar por cadena nacional\\\" government newsflash
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