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Spanish to English Medical: Dentistry Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
o.d. 47 fourth quadrant, tooth number 7 [MX right Lateral Incisor??]
Entered by: liz askew
O.H. habitual occlusion
Entered by: liz askew
obturación de conducto root canal obturation / obturation of the root canal
obturación de conductos radiculares root canal filling
odontoestomatología Odontostomatology (clinics)
odontograma odontogram
odontopediatría pedodontics/pediatric dentistry
Entered by: Rebecca Hendry
odontopediatría, ortodoncia, periodoncia odontopediatrics, orthodontics, periodontics
ODP Orthodontic Design and Production, Inc.
Entered by: Elizabeth Novesky
operativo odontológico special dental assistance visit
operatoria operative dentistry
OPERATORIA PRECLINICA preclinical surgical techniques/skills
Entered by: liz askew
Ortodontologia orthodontics
paquete vasculo-nervioso mentoniano mental neurovascular bundle
Entered by: Andrés Martínez
pasante forjado y colado prefabricated and cast posts / cores
Entered by: Karina Pelech
pase de visita daily (hospital) rounds
Entered by: Silvia Brandon-Pérez
patología de base underlying pathology
pérdida de inserción periodontal periodontal attachment loss
periostotomo de Freer Freer Periosteal Elevator
permanencia retention
permitiendo que penetre de a gotas allowing it to enter drop by drop
Entered by: Wilsonn Perez Reyes
pernos peripulpares peri-pulpal (peripulpal) pins
pieza tooth
pieza 43 profilaxis peridontal prophylaxis treatment to tooth number 43/lower right canine
piezas dentarias retenidas retained dental pieces
Piezas sochapadas Frameworks
Entered by: liz askew
pirofosfato de tetrapotasio tetrapotassium pyrophosphate
pirofosfato de tetrasodio tetrasodium pyrophosphate
placas plaques
plano de trabajo work plan
poliglactina polyglactin
por arrastre by pick up
por donde no se produce roce where there is no rubbing
porcentaje de fracaso failure rate
portamatrices matrix holder
portamayo gauze-holder
posteriormente primero posteriorly first
prefijados prefixed (prefixation)
Entered by: Sheila Hardie
presuorizadora pressurizer
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