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Spanish to English Slang Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
El Lloc sembla xulo The place seems (to be) cool
El Pelavacas \"El Pelavacas\" (Cow skinner)
embarque gip/let down
empingadera fucking mess, shit has hit the fan
en el lio que me metiste! in the mess you've gotten me into
en leña con todo el mundo por ahí pa'abajo [if there's a fight and you throw a punch] all hell breaks loose even though they all get arrested.
En Rama in cash
engolosinados seduced
enpingue pissed off
entiende is a friend of Dorothy's//he/she is one of us
entrar por manga pull strings to get in
entregar la estafeta to hand over the baton / to hand over the reins (to someone\'s successor)
envidioso/a (adj) envious, jealous
equis and everything...
Entered by: eski
es muy "cuadradote" frijoles" it's not very hip, is it?
Es tu puto poleja, güey It's your f***in' problem, jackass
escacharme catch me, trap me
escálalo en confianza feel free to contact him/her / feel free to bring it up to him /her
ese fulano huevo sin sal that wishy-washy/milk-and-water
estar en la lona to be knocked out
Entered by: Jorge Rodrigues
estar jugado being stuck//between a rock and a hard place
está bien curada (hierba) well-cured (pot)
está de pelos it's awesome
están más buenas que el pan hotter than the desert sun/yummier than homemade pie
este pata de perro have itchy feet
estoy de cuenta tuya (Colombia: argot) I'm all ears
estoy pendiente I expect to have them ready next week
expluchiformios, "seran tan grandes como arboles expluchiformios" explosion-shaped
falluto unreliable/wishy-washy/slacker/shirker/flake
Farfanadas desestabilizadoras subversive Farfanisms
fichada have a record / cadge drinks / escort
flecho (Colombia) useful contact
flipar hallucinate
Fursio / Furcio Goof, gaffe, blooper, slip og tongue
gacho, mano! Too bad/it sucks/screwed up/bad news, bro!
garabato scribble/scribbling
garrafón rotgut / cheap booze
Garrotero assistant waiter, guard
gavache / gabacho gringo / white American
Entered by: Jessica Klingberg
genio tenaz strong/tenacious/stubborn temper/character
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