The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Spanish to English Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc. Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
Actitudes alicortas shortsighted attitudes
actividades de reencuentro con su historia activities that bring/put people back in touch with their history
actoría y actor social actorship and social actor
actores sociales social stakeholders
Actualizaciones y Proyecciones en Salud Pública Current Status and Future Plans in/for Public Health
Entered by: liz askew
adds up (¿cuál es) el resultado final (de todos los efectos del ejercicio?
administración local colectiva territorial local communal territorial administration
Entered by: Hazel Whiteley
Adoquines cobblestones
adscritos al affiliated with
Agenciar wangle
agenda única single agenda
agentes naturales en salud about natural agents
aglomerado productivo productive cluster
aglutinación clustering
ajusticiamiento execution
Al amparo de thanks to / due to
al interior (pls see context) in light of these explanations
al margen de apart from/besides/aside from
al ritmo de trabajo del grupo at the group's own pace
Al servicio de la interpretacion motivacional profunda is working to interpret deep motivations.
alcance de actuación (lies outside) the scope of my expertise
alcance vecinal (the development of) neighborhood social education infrastructure
algo de entidad a sense of importance
allanar simplify/ease/facilitate
alta & desentrañar in this context high / unraveling
alta/baja mercantilización high/low private sector participation
Entered by: Mónica Algazi
aluvión great waves of (Irish, Italian...) immigration
América Latina en la Política Internacional Latin America in International Politics
amplia y rica produccion de discurso elicit valuable and broad-ranging discourse
Análisis multivariado factorial de correspondencias Multivariate factorial correspondence analysis
anexos y conexos affiliated and related (entities, corporations, organizations)
animación sociocultural socio-cultural animation
animadores facilitators
Entered by: Marian Greenfield
aparato del Estado state apparatus
apelativo al "deber ser" Calls for "what ought to be"
aplicar un cuestionario administer a questionnaire
apotegma apothegm
Aprender a aprender investigando learning to learn by doing research
apropiación adopt (make their own) / identification with / mastering of
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