• Canada03:14
  • Rate per hour $50.00 USD
  • :
  • Ad copy
  • Business names & taglines
  • Press releases
  • Product listings
  • Marketing email copy
  • Website SEO copy
About me
Creativity, literary talent, and the ability to localize are at the heart of transcreation. Having worked with a number of the world's most prestigious brands, I learned the intricate art of adapting and tailoring a message in a way that seems as if it was originally written in Korean while still reading beautifully and capturing the audience's attention. Whatever your marketing needs may be - ad campaigns, branding, press releases.... I don't just translate. I make them better.

My work

I specialize in creating slogans and marketing contents for luxury fashion and consumer goods. Additionally, I have transcreated compelling taglines/descriptions and conducted ASO for various Samsung apps, including Samsung internet and Samsung Pay. Having worked for Netflix, I also learned how to take English subtitles that are rich with cultural references and puns and make them not only understood but enjoyable to Korean audience.

I have worked for

Samsung,,, Netflix, Premier Tax Free
Specializing in:
  • Publicitate/Relaţii cu publicul
  • Artă, Arte şi meşteşuguri, Pictură
  • Bucătărie/Artă culinară
  • Cosmetice, Frumuseţe
  • Economie
  • Poezie şi literatură
  • Textile/Îmbrăcăminte/Modă
  • Turism şi călătorii
  • Jurnalism