Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Apr 18 '22 ara>fra اثباتا للمصادقة على صحة توقيع السيد... authentification de signature pro closed ok
- Feb 18 '22 ara>eng اضافة لوظيفته in addition to his position/job pro closed ok
- Jan 20 '22 fra>ara communauté - indivision الشياع أو الملاك في الشياع pro closed no
- Jan 11 '22 eng>ara Removal إزاحة pro closed ok
- Jan 7 '22 fra>ara vaudra pour . ويسري هذا على pro just_closed no
- Dec 27 '21 eng>ara unless the context otherwise requires عدا إن اقتضى السياق خلاف ذلك pro closed no
4 Oct 10 '21 ara>eng ولما كان ينعقد الاختصاص Given that/As the this is under the jurisdiction of easy closed no
- May 22 '21 eng>ara advances advances pro closed ok
- May 9 '21 ara>eng الأضرار التي تترتب عليها المسؤولية damage resulting in civil or criminal liability pro closed ok
- May 3 '21 eng>ara attendances الأشغال و الخدمات المرافقة للمشروع pro closed ok
- Mar 31 '21 eng>ara holding a reserve يتحفظون ضد المطالبة pro closed ok
4 Mar 30 '21 ara>eng بالاهلية والتمييز والاختيار in (full) mental capacity, ability of judgement and (free will of) choice pro closed ok
4 Mar 30 '21 ara>eng واشعر الزوجان من طرف شهيديه the husband and wife have been notified pro closed ok
4 Mar 22 '21 ara>eng ينسب الأولاد presumes paternity of offspring born in wedlock/matrimony pro closed no
4 Mar 22 '21 ara>eng يعترف بما تثمر عنه الحياة الزوجية presumes paternity of offspring born in wedlock/matrimony pro closed no
4 Mar 16 '21 eng>ara extract of an entry in a register of marriages مستخرج لقيد من سجل الزواج easy closed ok
4 Mar 5 '21 ara>eng ورسم ذلك وقدره fee isued estimated at pro closed no
- Feb 20 '21 ara>eng ابتداء دون from the onset without pro closed no
- Feb 20 '21 ara>eng وصل ابراء Clearance Receipt pro closed no
- Feb 12 '21 ara>eng محاضر الصلح التي تصدق عليها المحاكم reconciliation agreements/statements that are certified by the courts pro closed ok
- Feb 10 '21 eng>ara reported efforts بدل الجهود الواردة في التقرير pro closed ok
4 Feb 3 '21 eng>fra Partner grant agreement accord de subventions en partenariat pro closed no
- Jan 18 '21 eng>ara B / No. : 00##### شارة رقم pro open no
Asked | Open questions | Answered