Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Oct 8 '08 por>eng se Deus quiser if this is God's wish easy closed ok
- Sep 10 '08 por>eng Pedagogia Espírita spiritualist education easy closed ok
- Aug 31 '08 por>eng As certezas estão na mente, lá fora nunca as encontrarás. Certainties are the figment of the mind; you'll never find them on the outside easy closed no
4 Apr 14 '08 eng>por They love their money way too much! But little do they realize that without... eles amam demais o seu dinheiro! Porém, mal percebem que sem... easy closed no
- Feb 16 '08 eng>por You cannot help but win, no matter what may arise. você com certeza vencerá, aconteça o que acontecer easy closed ok
- Jan 3 '08 por>eng Quando te conheceres a ti mesmo, também tu deixarás de ser um cadáver ambulante When you get to know your inner self, you shall also stop being a inanimate corpse easy closed ok
- Jun 21 '04 eng>por Malau Book Fellowship Círculo Literário de Malau easy closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered