Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Feb 16 '10 eng>bul so thoroughly romantic a work една толкова изпълнена с романтизъм творба easy closed no
- Feb 6 '10 eng>bul no doubt sincere so far as goes що се отнася/колкото до ..., то без съмнение e искрен easy closed ok
- Feb 6 '10 eng>bul to have otherwise with s.o. изпитвам/мисля друго за някого easy closed ok
4 Jan 31 '10 bul>eng две кокошки не правят един кон "two hens are not enough for a horse"; ... cannot add up to a horse easy closed ok
- Jan 5 '10 bul>eng на свой терен used to deal with easy closed ok
4 Oct 30 '09 bul>eng номерът минава to pass/land/make a (cheating) trick/fraud; successful trick easy closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered