Translation glossary: Internet

Showing entries 1-50 of 286
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ADN -- (Advanced Digital Network)Usually refers to a 56Kbps leased-line. 
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ADN -- (Advanced Digital Network)Usually refers to a 56Kbps leased-line. 
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ADSL -- (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line)A DSL line where the upload speed is different from the download speed. usually the download speed is much greater. See also: DSL, SDSL 
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ADSL -- (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line)A DSL line where the upload speed is different from the download speed. usually the download speed is much greater. See also: DSL, SDSL 
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AppletA small Java program that can be embedded in an HTML page. Applets differ from full-fledged Java applications in that they are not allowed to access c 
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AppletA small Java program that can be embedded in an HTML page. Applets differ from full-fledged Java applications in that they are not allowed to access c 
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ArchieA tool (software) for finding files stored on anonymous FTP sites. You need to know the exact file name or a substring of it. By 1999 Archie had been 
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ArchieA tool (software) for finding files stored on anonymous FTP sites. You need to know the exact file name or a substring of it. By 1999 Archie had been 
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ARPANet -- (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network)The precursor to the Internet. Developed in the late 60\'s and early 70\'s by the US Department of Defense as an experiment in wide-area-networking to 
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ARPANet -- (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network)The precursor to the Internet. Developed in the late 60\'s and early 70\'s by the US Department of Defense as an experiment in wide-area-networking to 
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ASCII -- (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)This is the defacto world-wide standard for the code numbers used by computers to represent all the upper and lower-case Latin letters, numbers, punct 
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ASCII -- (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)This is the defacto world-wide standard for the code numbers used by computers to represent all the upper and lower-case Latin letters, numbers, punct 
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BackboneA high-speed line or series of connections that forms a major pathway within a network. The term is relative as a backbone in a small network will lik 
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BackboneA high-speed line or series of connections that forms a major pathway within a network. The term is relative as a backbone in a small network will lik 
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BandwidthHow much stuff you can send through a connection. Usually measured in bits-per-second. A full page of English text is about 16,000 bits. A fast modem 
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BandwidthHow much stuff you can send through a connection. Usually measured in bits-per-second. A full page of English text is about 16,000 bits. A fast modem 
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BaudIn common usage the baud rate of a modem is how many bitsit can send or receive per second. Technically, baud is the number of times per second that t 
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BaudIn common usage the baud rate of a modem is how many bitsit can send or receive per second. Technically, baud is the number of times per second that t 
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BBS -- (Bulletin Board System)A computerized meeting and announcement system that allows people to carry on discussions, upload and download files, and make announcements without t 
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BBS -- (Bulletin Board System)A computerized meeting and announcement system that allows people to carry on discussions, upload and download files, and make announcements without t 
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BinaryInformation consisting entirely of ones and zeros. Also, commonly used to refer to files that are not simply text files, e.g. images. See also: MIME, 
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BinaryInformation consisting entirely of ones and zeros. Also, commonly used to refer to files that are not simply text files, e.g. images. See also: MIME, 
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Binhex -- (BINary HEXadecimal)A method for converting non-text files (non-ASCII) into ASCII. This is needed because Internet e-mail can only handle ASCII. See also: ASCII, MIME, UU 
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Binhex -- (BINary HEXadecimal)A method for converting non-text files (non-ASCII) into ASCII. This is needed because Internet e-mail can only handle ASCII. See also: ASCII, MIME, UU 
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Bit -- (Binary DigIT)A single digit number in base-2, in other words, either a 1 or a zero. The smallest unit of computerized data. Bandwidthis usually measured in bits-pe 
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Bit -- (Binary DigIT)A single digit number in base-2, in other words, either a 1 or a zero. The smallest unit of computerized data. Bandwidthis usually measured in bits-pe 
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BITNET -- (Because It\'s Time NETwork (or Because It\'s There NETwork))A network of educational sites separate from the Internet, but e-mail is freely exchanged between BITNET and the Internet. Listservs®, a popular form 
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BITNET -- (Because It\'s Time NETwork (or Because It\'s There NETwork))A network of educational sites separate from the Internet, but e-mail is freely exchanged between BITNET and the Internet. Listservs®, a popular form 
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BlogFrom \"Web log.\" A blog is basically a journal that is available on the web. The activity of updating a blog is \"blogging\" and someone who keeps a 
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BlogFrom \"Web log.\" A blog is basically a journal that is available on the web. The activity of updating a blog is \"blogging\" and someone who keeps a 
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bps -- (Bits-Per-Second)A measurement of how fast data is moved from one place to another. A 56K modem can move about 57,000 bits per second. See also: Bandwidth, Bit 
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bps -- (Bits-Per-Second)A measurement of how fast data is moved from one place to another. A 56K modem can move about 57,000 bits per second. See also: Bandwidth, Bit 
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BrowserA Client program (software) that is used to look at various kinds of Internet resources. See also: Client, Server, URL, WWW 
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BrowserA Client program (software) that is used to look at various kinds of Internet resources. See also: Client, Server, URL, WWW 
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BTW -- (By The Way)A shorthand appended to a comment written in an online forum. See also: IMHO 
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BTW -- (By The Way)A shorthand appended to a comment written in an online forum. See also: IMHO 
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ByteA set of Bits that represent a single character. Usually there are 8 Bits in a Byte, sometimes more, depending on how the measurement is being made. S 
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ByteA set of Bits that represent a single character. Usually there are 8 Bits in a Byte, sometimes more, depending on how the measurement is being made. S 
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CATP -- (Caffeine Access Transport Protocol)Common method of moving caffeine across Wide Area Networks such as the Internet 
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CATP -- (Caffeine Access Transport Protocol)Common method of moving caffeine across Wide Area Networks such as the Internet 
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Certificate AuthorityAn issuer of Security Certificates used in SSL connections. See also: SSL 
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Certificate AuthorityAn issuer of Security Certificates used in SSL connections. See also: SSL 
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CGI -- (Common Gateway Interface)A set of rules that describe how a Web Server communicates with another piece of software on the same machine, and how the other piece of software (th 
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CGI -- (Common Gateway Interface)A set of rules that describe how a Web Server communicates with another piece of software on the same machine, and how the other piece of software (th 
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ClientA software program that is used to contact and obtain data from a Server software program on another computer, often across a great distance. EachClie 
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ClientA software program that is used to contact and obtain data from a Server software program on another computer, often across a great distance. EachClie 
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co-locationMost often used to refer to having a server that belongs to one person or group physically located on an Internet-connected network that belongs to an 
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co-locationMost often used to refer to having a server that belongs to one person or group physically located on an Internet-connected network that belongs to an 
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CookieThe most common meaning of \"Cookie\" on the Internet refers to a piece of information sent by a Web Server to a Web Browser that the Browser software 
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CookieThe most common meaning of \"Cookie\" on the Internet refers to a piece of information sent by a Web Server to a Web Browser that the Browser software 
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