Top 9 reasons freelancers need to take a vacation

Source: Word Count
Story flagged by: RominaZ
All work and no play doesn’t just make Jack a dull boy, it makes Jack or Jill Freelancer a dull writer.
Hard as it is to get away when you run your own business, it’s important to take time off to recharge mentally and physically.
Here is a list of top 9 reasons why vacations are important:
1. You need a break from the constant marketing, translating and proofreading.
2. Stepping away from the daily grind can give you some perspective on where your business is headed, and help determine if you like where it’s going or want to steer it in a different direction.
3. The change of pace or scenery could lead to the right translation for that tough term you could not find.
4. You work hard week in and week out – shouldn’t you reward yourself every once in a while, even if only for a long weekend, for your labors?
5. Translating can be a very sendentary occupation – some extra physical activity will do your body good.
6. Call it Murphy’s law of freelancing – the big call back, project or email you’ve been waiting for will inevitably arrive while you’re gone – so what are you waiting for, get lost – but bring your laptop or smartphone with you.
7. Speaking of laptops, if you really have to, you can always go away and bring it with you to sneak in a little work.
8. You owe it to the people in your life to step away from the keyboard every once in a while to do more than throw in another load of laundry, make dinner or drive somebody to baseball practice.
9. The world’s pretty cool and you’re not getting any younger.
Do you agree with this list? Please share your 10th reason.

Comments about this article

Top 9 reasons freelancers need to take a vacation
Simon Berrill (X)
Simon Berrill (X)
Local time: 13:53
Spanish to English
+ ...
10th reason Mar 24, 2011

Everyone else has holidays, why shouldn't we?

Anja Weggel
Anja Weggel  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:53
Member (2007)
English to German
10th reason Mar 24, 2011

Simon Berrill wrote:

Everyone else has holidays, why shouldn't we?

Thanks a million for this Simon!
I don't know where so many freelance translators get the idea that they need to be working all the time (even when they are on holidays) and that taking some time off is a "bad" or "unusual" thing to do. Quite the contrary actually... for those who need a business reason to go on holidays... if you do not relax every now and then your work gets sloppy because your concentration & your health goes downhill.
As for the rest (myself included), I love to travel the world so holidays are an essential part of my lifeicon_smile.gif

[Edited at 2011-03-24 12:52 GMT]

Soonthon LUPKITARO(Ph.D.)
Soonthon LUPKITARO(Ph.D.)  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:53
Member (2004)
English to Thai
+ ...
My privilege Mar 25, 2011

I do not have my 11th reason for a vacation but I always take a long vacation the other professional workers rarely enjoys. I am a freelancer and I manage with my time efficiently.

Soonthon Lupkitaro

Gillian Searl
Gillian Searl  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 12:53
German to English
You worked hard for the money Mar 25, 2011

so go spend it! Well, some of it anyway - the tax man wants some, the bank/landlord some, the family some, etc. etc. etc.



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