Google launches new social networking site: Google+

Source: Wired
Story flagged by: RominaZ

Google, the world’s largest search company, is formally making its pitch to become a major force in social networking. The product it announced Tuesday is called Google+, and observers might wonder whether it’s simply one more social effort by a company that’s had a lousy track record in that field to date.

Parts of it certainly seem to appear similar to what we’ve seen before. One significant component is a continuous scroll called “the stream” that’s an alternative to Facebook’s news feed — a hub of personalized content. It has a companion called “Sparks,” related to one’s specified interests. Together they are designed to be a primary attention-suck of Google users. Google hopes that eventually people will gravitate to the stream in the same way that members of Facebook or Twitter constantly check those continuous scrolls of personalized information.

The second important app is Circles, an improved way to share information with one’s friends, family, contacts and the public at large. It’s an management tool that’s a necessary component of any social network — a way to organize (and recruit) fellow members of the service.

“We’re transforming Google itself into a social destination at a level and scale that we’ve never attempted — orders of magnitude more investment, in terms of people, than any previous project,” says Vic Gundotra, who leads Google’s social efforts. Read more.

See: Wired

Also see: The Google+ Project and The Google+ bar

Do you think that this new social networking platform will become popular among translators? Have you tried it already? Please share your experience.

Comments about this article

Google launches new social networking site: Google+
Ena Slavkovic (X)
Ena Slavkovic (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:26
Serbian to English
+ ...
Invite? Jun 30, 2011

Hi, I am looking forward to trying it but I am also wondering if the only way to use it is being invited by somebody who is alredy using it? I am very interested in testing it, so if anyone can send an invite, it would be helpfulicon_smile.gif
Regarding the benefit for the transltors, I thikn it may prove helpful in sharing experienes...

Andriy Yasharov
Andriy Yasharov  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:26
Member (2008)
English to Russian
+ ...
Invitation Jul 1, 2011

As of today an invitation is required to join the network because it is in beta testing mode. You can send your email address to Google and they will invite you to join when it is time. As for translators' benefit from using the network, I believe a user can create translation teams, share projects, news, etc. with a dedicated group of other users that is without letting other "friends" know.


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