Breton used to be the local language but in less than a century its use plummeted as the constitution defines French as the sole language of the French Republic. The number of speakers of Breton declined by 80%.
Thirty years ago a group of parents created a school to revive the Breton language and teach it to new generations. Campaigners believe Breton will make a comeback.
See: You Tube
United Kingdom
French to English
+ ...
Some of my elderly neighbours still speak Occitan, and didn't know any French until they went to school, where it was soon beaten out of them (as happened in Britanny). It will take more than the efforts of a few passiona... See more
Some of my elderly neighbours still speak Occitan, and didn't know any French until they went to school, where it was soon beaten out of them (as happened in Britanny). It will take more than the efforts of a few passionate enthusiasts to revive Auvergnat "Patois" as a living language, though further south Occitan is faring a little better. I want to learn more from my neighbour, and as she's already 89, I'd better get on with it! ▲ Collapse
Local time: 05:52
French to English
The funding for the Breton language classes is lim... See more
The funding for the Breton language classes is limited - but there is a well-attended class both in the maternelle section of our local school and that of the primary school. The main mover has been the tourist industry - drive anywhere around here and look at road names, take a walk, go to a public building and for the main, names are in both French and Breton. My eldest son (26 years old) plays the bombard in Bagad Briec and is a member of a Breton music group - there are 5 of them, all ages and all speak Breton. Their group has a Breton name - "Ruz Reor" - rather rude in translation! The point is, these music and dance festivals are making it popular again to speak something other than French. Brittany has had a difficult past with the French central government - I have a Breton teacher friend who, while welcoming the acceptance of the spoken language, is resentful that it seems to be founded on making the Breton culture "cute for tourists".
It is very similar to Welsh, so I have a slight advantage there! ▲ Collapse
United Kingdom
French to English
+ ...
I've long believed that music plays a vital role in helping oppressed/suppressed cultures survive (I used to get a bit militant in my World Music lectures back in the 1990s!), and it's great to hear that your son plays the bombarde - at a suitably discreet distance I hope. I once saw it euphemistically described as "a little outdoor shawm". A friend onc... See more
I've long believed that music plays a vital role in helping oppressed/suppressed cultures survive (I used to get a bit militant in my World Music lectures back in the 1990s!), and it's great to hear that your son plays the bombarde - at a suitably discreet distance I hope. I once saw it euphemistically described as "a little outdoor shawm". A friend once played his in my house....
I've been prompted to listen again to Denez Prigent (with Lisa Gerrard) singing "An hini a garan":
If you'd like to sing along, words and music here:
Sami language and culture has had a boost with Mari Boine's success:
And finally, a lullaby mostly in Ladino (language of the Sephardic Jews) from Istanbul:
[Edited at 2010-05-18 08:21 GMT] ▲ Collapse
Local time: 05:52
French to English
Thanks for those links - I didn't know the An hini a garan version - that was lovely. I spared the world my sing along version!
Son plays the bombarde in the festivals - he plays the clarinet and oboe in his group. I taught him music when he was little and I think it is one of the things I am proudest of, in fact. His male Welsh cousins are or have been part of the Morriston Male Orpheus Choir, so the music bit is strong in the family.
I am including a... See more
Thanks for those links - I didn't know the An hini a garan version - that was lovely. I spared the world my sing along version!
Son plays the bombarde in the festivals - he plays the clarinet and oboe in his group. I taught him music when he was little and I think it is one of the things I am proudest of, in fact. His male Welsh cousins are or have been part of the Morriston Male Orpheus Choir, so the music bit is strong in the family.
I am including a link (Youtube) to Ruz Reor on stage. Their idea is to play the traditional music, but to give it an up to date touch - just so the music does not stay in the old ways. Celtic music sends shivers down my spine! When Richard is playing in one of the festivals, I have to wear dark glasses - sentimental mother, moi?!
Linda ▲ Collapse
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