La Falda o Huerta Grande, Córdoba, Argentina.

Details van de advertentie
Gevraagd - Reisadvies - Argentina
Van: tradugag
Geplaatst op:Dec 17, 2006
Locatie: Argentina, Buenos Aires
Beschrijving:I will be visiting friends in Córdoba, Argentina, in January.
I'd like to find accomodation in La Falda or Huerta Grande.
It would be only for a few days, not even a week (three or four days at most). Jan. 16, 17, 18 and maybe 19.

Tips for inexpensive hotels or B&Bs are welcome.

Thank you!

Extra informatie: Please contact me by e-mail: [email protected]. In case you send me your suggestions, please try to include pictures of the hotel or house. Thank you!!!
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