The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

English Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc. Translation Glossary

English term English translation
a mental place of perspective a place that gives you an overall view
achievement mom mom that strives for success
advance directive An advance directive tells your doctor what kind of care you would like to have if you become unable to make medical decisions
anchor in reality connection to reality/ordinary life
and of this license you will make due return See explanation below
appeal for (does the recreation ground) attract (different sections ...)
benefit communication communication of (risks and) benefits of food
Entered by: Yvonne Gallagher
black Englishness Being English, and black at the same time
Entered by: Cristina Bolohan
bridge extra day's holiday between an official public holiday and a weekend
Burton-Judson college the initials BJ stand for another expression
canned food drive campaign to collect donations of canned food
canteen and facilities list the canteen and the list of items a prisoner may have in his/her possession
Changes are not the same as changed. superficial changes to behaviour do not necessarily mean that the person has changed deep down
CO country office
Entered by: Cristina Pereira
CoCD Code of Conduct Document
collective burial mass grave
community support It's what others do to help you. Many helping one.
consolidated [well] established
Controlling for Given the same level of
deadness feeling/sense of inner deadness (estrangement from life)
deduction to for subsequent deduction of
dominant discursive practices prevailing public opinion > discourse
dyad two individuals or units regarded as a (stable, undivisible) pair
embodiment and crystallization make concrete/take a definite form
enterprise undertaking/ exercise
Entered by: Adele Oliveri
entrepreneur of meaning [managers] who convince [employees] that what they do is meaningful/important
every gaze reliably reflected everywhere you look, you can count on people being there
Entered by: Adele Oliveri
exposure to [reading, and having to think about and understand the meaning of the writings]
FACT BOX list or listing of facts about a particular subject
gender sensitive statistics gender-oriented/respective statistics
Glocalising the impact of globalisation on a local (and/or regional) level (micro-meso-macro scale = glocal)
grand narrative a comprehensive explanation of historical experience or knowledge
Entered by: Adele Oliveri
higher level of provision more eventualities are provided for
his birth 6 Elul 5759 August 18, 1999 (Hebrew calendar)
in private homes At home
information practices policy rules by which information is handled
inner city poor areas, usually within larger cities
look to Refer to and seek advice from
lowest-common-denominator, bottom-feeding linkbait sordid sensational stories designed to attract you to click on the link to read more
management of paternity dealing with the social and economic relationships between children and fathers
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