Glossary entry

Dutch term or phrase:


English translation:


Added to glossary by Barend van Zadelhoff
Dec 18, 2015 11:13
8 yrs ago
3 viewers *
Dutch term


Dutch to English Medical General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters farm animal rearing / poultry
optimale gezondheid ( immuniteit, weerstand)

this is the only place in the text where both words appear together.
i dare not think it could be 'weather resistance",
part of the problem here is of course that "weerstand"requires "tegen" and then "tegen wat"

Change log

Dec 18, 2015 22:16: writeaway changed "Field" from "Other" to "Medical" , "Field (specific)" from "Livestock / Animal Husbandry" to "General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters"

Dec 22, 2015 13:17: Barend van Zadelhoff Created KOG entry

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katerina turevich (asker) Dec 18, 2015:
tHANKS FOR ALL THE HELP What threw me off was the use of punctuation marks - I've never seen like this: mostly with "immuniteit' as primary word followed by weerstand in brackets. For the rest, I of course know the difference between immunity and resistance to disease

Sorry for posting in Russian: Evgeny called me a name only my mom uses at this point in my life. Endearing! I love it :))
Edith Kelly Dec 18, 2015:
to the more common expression is "resistance to a disease" as against "against a disease". How can we help asker if she posts Russian comments in response to a Dutch>English question? Be that as it may, it's definitely "resistance".
Textpertise Dec 18, 2015:
immunity and resistance not the same If an animal is immune to a disease, it will not get that disease owing to its immunity. Being resistant to a disease, on the other hand, is not the same as immunity. The animal can still catch the disease but is less prone to doing so than average. So you can just use "resistance". I don't understand Russian but you don't need "against". Hope this helps.
katerina turevich (asker) Dec 18, 2015:
@ Evgeny Ой как мне нравится как вы меня зовёте!
нет, погода больше шуткой такой неудачной выступила
меня запятая с толку сбила, а поскольку слова взаимозаменяемые, то и ...
обычно только одно из этих двух слов ставится в скобки (в голландской литературе)
Evgeny Artemov (X) Dec 18, 2015:
Катюша, похоже, вас 'weer' в заблуждение ввело. :-)) Да просто 'сопротивляемость' 'устойчивость', без дополнения. Тот же "иммунитет" (если разобраться, он тоже "ОТ чего-л.", но он и самостоятельно употребляется. ;-)
katerina turevich (asker) Dec 18, 2015:
Ok even if weerstand doesn't "require "tegen""", it is used here with a comma, and not a slash. If it was a slash, I would understand it as a reinforcing element, and consequently skip/drop it.
But I suspect it means something else here.

Proposed translations

13 hrs


I think 'weerstand' means 'immunocompotence' here / as opposed to immunodeficiency/being immunocompromised'

(immuniteit, weerstand) - (immunity, immunocompetence)

weerstand hebben - be immunocompetent

This is about nutritional status (see below)

Bij verminderde weerstand heeft het lichaam een verhoogde vatbaarheid voor griep, verkoudheid en andere lichamelijke klachten weerstand

Immunocompetence is the ability of the body to produce a normal immune response following exposure to an antigen. Immunocompetence is the opposite of immunodeficiency or immuno-incompetent or immuno-compromised. Examples include:

Immunodeficiency (or immune deficiency) is a state in which the immune system's ability to fight infectious disease is compromised or entirely absent.
A person who has an immunodeficiency of any kind is said to be immunocompromised.

In biology, immunity is the balanced state of having adequate biological defenses to fight infection, disease, or other unwanted biological invasion, while having adequate tolerance to avoid allergy, and autoimmune diseases.

immunocompetent - having the potential for immunologic response; capable of developing immunity after exposure to antigen.

Nutrition, infection, and immunocompetence

The nutritional status of an individual has a profound effect on both host susceptibility to specific infectious diseases and on their outcome. Available data suggest that specific and aggregate nutritional deficiencies can alter a host's immune response and increase susceptibility to infection.

- maximum health (immunity, immunocompetence)

Optimale voeding gericht op het verbeteren van lichaamsfuncties

Nutriënten werken opbouwend voor:
•optimale groei en ei productie
•goede vruchtbaarheid (hormonale productie)
•optimale gezondheid ( immuniteit, weerstand)

Note added at 4 days (2015-12-22 13:53:02 GMT) Post-grading

Thank you, Katerina.

"immunocompetence" is much more specific and less ambiguous than 'resistance'.

It also fits better in your text.

There is a difference between 'immunity' and 'immunocompetence'.

I don't think 'resistance' is capable of conveying this difference.

What does it mean? Immunity? Immunocompetence?
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you! Yes, I think it's about developing/support for normal immune responses by providing correct nutrients. "
8 mins

resistance (to disease)

An enumeration relating to health:
1. Immunity to disease
2. Resistance to disease

In an enumeration, the "tegen > to" is not needed.
Peer comment(s):

agree philgoddard
2 hrs
agree writeaway : fast wie Widerstand.
12 hrs
agree Tina Vonhof (X) : Basically, both mean the same thing.
1 day 10 hrs
Something went wrong...
9 mins

resistance/resistant against disease

No, not a different meaning, though 'weerstand' highlights the disease aspect more

you could use 'resistance' and 'resistant', depending on what you prefer.
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