Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

Swedish nose

Polish translation:

sztuczny nos na tracheostomię

Added to glossary by Frank Szmulowicz, Ph. D.
May 16, 2023 20:10
1 yr ago
13 viewers *
English term

Swedish nose

English to Polish Medical Medical (general) tracheostomy
This is used instead of tracheostomy tube in patients with Motor Neurone Disease to help with ventilation. I can't find anywhere how this is called in Polish. Your help would be very appreciated. Thank you!
Change log

May 18, 2023 12:51: Frank Szmulowicz, Ph. D. Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

25 mins

sztuczny nos na tracheostomię

Sztuczny nos czyli wymiennik ciepła wilgoci przeznaczony jest dla pacjentów na spontanicznym oddechu z zastosowaniem na rurką tracheotomijną,772.html

It's called a Swedish Nose because it was invented in Sweden and because it humidifies incoming air like her real nose that she's not using. A Swedish nose/thermovent sits over the end of tracheostomy tube. Such devices are assessed during 2 hourly checks and changed when soiled, or at least every 24 hours. To prevent clogging up the Swedish nose and therefore interfering with respiration.

What is Swedish nose?
A Swedish or artificial nose (HME) is a filtered cap that can be attached to the tracheostomy tube to help maintain humidity. Putting the patient in the bathroom with the door closed and shower on will increase the humidity immediately.
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agree Jacek Rogala : jak tutaj:
12 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you Frank! Perfect."
3 hrs

filtr do układów oddechowych oraz wymiennik ciepła i wilgoci (HME)

Note added at 3 hrs (2023-05-16 23:28:27 GMT)

HME or artificial nose
In the pre-surgery situation, inhaled air was warmed, moistened and cleaned by the nose, mouth and throat. After surgery, air enters the stoma cold, dry and unfiltered. This can irritate the oesophageal and pulmonary mucosa and induce cough reflexes.
Warming, moistening and filtering air can be taken over in part by a heat and moisture exchanger (HME [also termed artificial nose or filter]). -


Filtry do układów oddechowych oraz wymienniki ciepła i wilgoci (HME) -


Filtr oddechowy z wymienniki ciepła i wilgoci, elektrostatyczny HME -


Okrągły, elektrostatyczny filtr oddechowy bakteryjno-wirusowy dla dorosłych z wymiennikiem ciepła i wilgoci -
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