• Spain06:32
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Translations of:
- Summaries of Product Characteristics (Annex I in QRD Templates of the European Medicines Agency).
- Labelling and Package Leaflets (Annex III in the QRD Templates of the the European Medicines Agency).
- Patient information leaflets.
- Applications to the Stockholm Ethical Vetting Committee for Good Research Practice.
- Authorizations of new medicines by the the European Medicines Agency.
- Certificates issued by the Swedish Medical Products Agency.
Translated content of:
  • Bayer Schering Pharma AG
  • Biogen

Language variants:

  • Source languages
  • Swedish – Rikssvenska
  • Target languages
  • Spanish – Standard-Spain


  • Certificate of Proficiency in Swedish. Official La:
  • Swedish to Spanish
  • University of the Basque Country.Translation Sudie:
  • Swedish to Spanish
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