Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Jan 30 '09 ron>eng Miscare de flexie in cazul lordozei cervicale Flexion movement in cervical lordosis pro open no
- Nov 29 '06 ron>eng a redat pe panza illustrated or depicted pro closed no
4 Nov 25 '06 ron>eng comisie de paritate Advisory Committee (Auditing Committee - dar nu in acest caz) pro closed no
4 Nov 25 '06 ron>eng a avea in subordine have authority over, superintend/supervise pro closed ok
- Oct 26 '06 ron>eng combate disaffirm pro closed ok
- Nov 2 '06 ron>eng OM Outer membrane pro open no
- Nov 13 '06 ron>eng birou de proiectari Architecture and Project Development Company pro closed ok
4 Nov 14 '06 ron>eng liber consimtit prin semnatura it has been willingly approved by the signature of the hereby parties pro closed ok
- Mar 12 '06 ron>eng client arondat designated/consigned customer pro closed no
4 Feb 9 '06 ron>eng blocuri ebulate caved in or collapsed pro closed ok
- Jan 15 '06 ron>eng pe linie de partid At the party level pro closed ok
2 Jan 18 '06 ron>eng Intoarcerea executarii invalidation of the judicial execution pro closed no
- Jan 13 '06 ron>eng sumă avansată allocated amount /advanced amount pro closed no
- Jan 5 '06 ron>eng Şasiul chassis pro closed ok
- Dec 21 '05 ron>eng Trustul Antrepriza Generală de Construcţii - Montaj Timiş Constructions - Assembly Public Trust/Corporation Timisoara pro closed no
NP Dec 9 '05 ron>eng a da la topit recycled / pro just_closed no
- Dec 12 '05 ron>eng agreat de chartered by pro closed no
4 Dec 8 '05 ron>eng inima plina full core pro closed ok
- Dec 7 '05 ron>eng a repune pe rol reinstate the case pro closed ok
- Dec 5 '05 ron>eng administratie - secretariat office administration pro closed ok
- Dec 5 '05 ron>eng profanistica non-spirituality pro closed ok
4 Nov 24 '05 ron>eng blat Sink base pro closed ok
- Nov 2 '05 ron>eng cursuri fara frecventa Distance and online courses pro closed no
- Nov 26 '05 ron>eng joc de interese scheme of interests pro closed no
- Nov 26 '05 ron>eng casa nationala de pensii National Bureau of Retirement pro closed no
- Nov 26 '05 ron>eng medic de familie "family doctor" pro closed no
4 Nov 27 '05 ron>eng judecator delegat, prin incheiere "appointed judge" pro closed ok
- Nov 27 '05 ron>eng calificare la locul de munca "training" sau "job training" pro closed ok
- May 8 '02 ron>eng legat de regaring/concerning/in relation with/related with/in connection with/ easy closed no
- May 8 '02 ron>eng help cu propozitia raspuns pro closed no
- Apr 30 '02 ron>eng ase vade kazolu ce vulpe are aletur de dansu So the "doggy" can see what type of "fox" he's got..... easy closed no
4 Apr 26 '02 ron>eng indicator economic financial index pro closed ok
- Apr 26 '02 ron>eng De ce te temi de ea? Why do you fear her? Why are you afraid of her? easy open no
- Apr 26 '02 ron>eng Nu mi-ai răspuns la întrebare. You didn't answer my question. easy closed no
- Apr 26 '02 ron>eng Acum vrea să ştie ce fel de elev ai fost. Now she/he wants to know the kind of pupil you were. easy closed no
- Mar 18 '02 ron>eng desigur. Vreau sa o incurajati, si a faptul ca ea este mai putin plinuta nu-mi Of course. I want you yo encourage her, and the fact that she's less bulky won't make me change my easy closed ok
- Feb 6 '02 ron>eng dece nu vrei se suferi de nou?ce vrei se spui cu asta?ce ai rpe suflet?ibitul me You don't wanna suffer again? What do you mean by that? What's taring you up indise, my love? easy closed ok
- Mar 12 '02 ron>eng Atentie! Legislatia romana a permite detinerea si comercializarea de efecte mili Be aware that Romanian legislation forbids possession and marketing of military weapons easy closed ok
- Mar 16 '02 ron>eng seminte seeds easy closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered