Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Jan 17 '11 hin>eng Kachchi Ravishen/ कच्ची रविशें Imperfect avenues/style/manner easy closed ok
- May 3 '10 hin>eng करुण Compassionate pro closed ok
4 Feb 25 '10 hin>eng के (कै?) आशिक़ हो तो ऐसा हो Oh!/Ah!/Verily pro closed no
- Dec 21 '09 hin>eng एकतथ्यता Solitary factuality pro just_closed no
4 Sep 1 '09 hin>eng होले होले Slowly, gradually easy closed no
- Jul 10 '09 hin>eng जानिया Dear to the Life/Soul or spirit of the life/soul easy closed no
- Feb 26 '09 hin>eng ratichaturakathakovid Expert/wise/learned at telling ecstasy/happiness/satisfaction/love/devotion/passion... stories easy closed ok
- Feb 9 '09 hin>eng ahankarhi manush ka shatru hai Vanity/pride/ego verily is the enemy of a human being easy closed ok
- Dec 17 '08 hin>eng Jaagay Raat Suhaani जागे रात सुहानी/The pleasant night keeps awake pro closed ok
- Apr 29 '08 hin>eng दर्द जगाये मीठा । अरमाँ जागे It awkens a sweet pain, and the cravings awake easy closed ok
- Mar 4 '08 hin>eng स्वाध्यायी छात्र Self-learning Student. pro closed no
- May 4 '07 hin>eng chalo "Let us go" or "Let it be" or "Alright" pro closed ok
- May 4 '07 hin>eng poras Potence, manliness, courage, strength pro closed ok
- May 2 '07 hin>eng a:gha:r Bha-ait or Arpan or Arpanit Samagri pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered