Help regarding never-ending spam mails.
Thread poster: Ali Bayraktar
Ali Bayraktar
Ali Bayraktar  Identity Verified
Member (2007)
English to Turkish
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May 7, 2009

Hello to All,

I have received about 200 spam mails within 48 hours.
They all come from different email addresses.
But they have similar texts so I can say that origin of those mails are the same.

My Outlook automatically sends them into junk mail folder but anyway I should check this place because sometimes other job related mails go there too.

An example of the message:

Looking GREAT in a bikini starts with this Just click and see
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Hello to All,

I have received about 200 spam mails within 48 hours.
They all come from different email addresses.
But they have similar texts so I can say that origin of those mails are the same.

My Outlook automatically sends them into junk mail folder but anyway I should check this place because sometimes other job related mails go there too.

An example of the message:

Looking GREAT in a bikini starts with this Just click and see

Buy now Viagra ............... Come on and click

While I was writing, I received 4 mails again.

Has anybody faced with such situation?

How to get rid of them? They spares my time and I don't know what to do.

Thanks in advance

M. Ali

[Edited at 2009-05-07 07:26 GMT]

Yasutomo Kanazawa
Yasutomo Kanazawa  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:37
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No perfect solution May 7, 2009

Hello M. Ali,

I guess it's been a standard for everyone these days to receive at least a few spam or junk mails everyday, and the first thing you do in the morning when checking your mailbox is to delete them. As long as you are connected to the Internet, I guess there's nothing you could do about this, since I also receive many never-ending spam mails like you do. A few examples are like the ones you mentioned above plus dating sites, loans, how to enlarge your....(I wouldn't dare
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Hello M. Ali,

I guess it's been a standard for everyone these days to receive at least a few spam or junk mails everyday, and the first thing you do in the morning when checking your mailbox is to delete them. As long as you are connected to the Internet, I guess there's nothing you could do about this, since I also receive many never-ending spam mails like you do. A few examples are like the ones you mentioned above plus dating sites, loans, how to enlarge your....(I wouldn't dare write them down here), pretending to be from MSN, Paypal, Moneybookers (phishing), you name it. Most of them are in English, but some are even foreign (i.e. in Russian or Greek which I can't even read so I don't know what they're about), and of course in my native language with the same kind of contents which I mentioned earlier.

I have an anti-virus soft installed on my PC, and like you say, most of the spams are automatically sorted into the spam folder, but some job inquiries somehow get sorted to the spam folder by mistake (especially when the title is not in English, like German or Spanish with umlauts and unique characters belonging to those certain languages), so I too have to look out each time like you do.

Like I said, I don't think there is any solution to avoid these spam mails from coming, except that I've noticed that when you surf the net, there are quite a lot of dangerous websites which contain viruses such as Troy or some software or I don't know what that is embedded in that particular website which gathers information of your IP address or email address. And there are some cases, where your client or friend's PC is infected with a virus but doesn't realize, and either or both of their PCs send out spam mails using YOUR email address. For example, if my email address was [email protected], these spams have the same sender name as yours addressed to [email protected] (Sender: [email protected], Recipient: [email protected]).

I could go on forever listing examples here, but the only way to prevent receiving large amount of spam mails are not giving out your email address to unknown third parties easily, staying away from dubious websites, setting your Outlook to atuomatically delete mails which have certain keywords in the subject line, etc. and have an anti-virus software installed. At least these tips should reduce the number of spam mails you would be getting.


Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT
Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:37
Member (2005)
English to Spanish
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Talk to your ISP about the problem May 7, 2009

That would be the first step. Most serious ISPs have measures to fight spam, and they are becoming increasingly effective.

If your ISP cannot help, I would sincerely try the antispam software we use here, Firetrust MailWasher. Cost-effective, simple and very smart. It does not mess with your computer, so if you want to uninstall it, you can do so whenever you like.

[Edited at 2009-05-07 08:36 GMT]

Frederic Lievre
Frederic Lievre
Local time: 01:37
English to French
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Depends on who is your email provider May 7, 2009

In my case I use GMAIL.
I also use outlook.
What I do is that I actually use the webmail provided by Google as a SPAM filter (This works very well).
That way, the only thing I get in the outlook inbox is the good stuff!!

Astrid Elke Witte
Astrid Elke Witte  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:37
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There is something you can do, I think May 7, 2009

Hi, M. Ali,

I have two e-mail addresses. At one of them, which is my own domain, I do not get spam, because to date I have been very careful to keep this e-mail address from appearing anywhere on the Internet openly, and I only give it to business partners.

The other e-mail address is the older one, not at my own domain, but with a public provider (nonetheless, I have to pay for it - or rather, it comes along with my telephone and Internet fees package). This older e-ma
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Hi, M. Ali,

I have two e-mail addresses. At one of them, which is my own domain, I do not get spam, because to date I have been very careful to keep this e-mail address from appearing anywhere on the Internet openly, and I only give it to business partners.

The other e-mail address is the older one, not at my own domain, but with a public provider (nonetheless, I have to pay for it - or rather, it comes along with my telephone and Internet fees package). This older e-mail address has until recently been a problem with spam, but I cannot (as I would wish) cancel it entirely, because older clients are accustomed to using it, and some of them simply will not change over to using my newer e-mail address at my own domain.

I only realised very recently, when I got one spam e-mail too many at a time when I was very busy, that I could do something about it. I examined the provider's page closely, and realised that I could set up an address book in relation to this e-mail address, as well as a white list and a black list. Then all I had to do was mark the option that all e-mails not appearing in the address book or white list would automatically be deleted and I would never see them. I spent a morning putting all old clients who could ever possibly use that address into my address book, wrote down in the white list a couple of places where I am a customer, whose newsletters I wish to receive, and the blacklist can be ignored, since all other e-mails are now deleted.

What is important in this connection is that there is also an option about what, precisely, is done with all the rejected e-mails. I was able to mark an option to have them returned to the sender with a notification that they have not been delivered. This means that any potential new customer trying to contact me via this address will know that I did not receive their enquiry, and will try to contact me in another way if necessary.

I have to say that, since setting it all up properly, it has worked very well indeed really, except that somehow an odd spam e-mail always still escapes through the net, but very few now. It is also possible to report these odd cases to the provider, so that the provider can examine how and why they got through.

I recommend looking into the matter of your e-mail addresses, and finding out whether you do in fact have options like these that you could regulate.


P.S. I also have Kaspersky in place to catch the odd one that gets through, and it is possible to adjust the settings in that, in conjunction with Outlook, to have those last stray ones deleted.


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Help regarding never-ending spam mails.

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