Cannot delete Avira files
Thread poster: Spanish-English Translator
Spanish-English Translator
Spanish-English Translator
Local time: 21:21
English to Spanish
+ ...
Jun 2, 2009

As I did not find an uninstall command, I manually deleted the Avira files.
Then I run Avira's RegCleaner and Avuninst.exe.
Still in C:\Programs\AntivirDesktop and C:\Programs\AntivirDesktop\Failsafe I have some 100 files (with dll, vdf, avp and avr extensions). When I try to delete them, there appears a message: "Access is denied". I right-clicked them and looked at their properties. They are not read-only files and their advanced properties seem OK.
To my despair, today at
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As I did not find an uninstall command, I manually deleted the Avira files.
Then I run Avira's RegCleaner and Avuninst.exe.
Still in C:\Programs\AntivirDesktop and C:\Programs\AntivirDesktop\Failsafe I have some 100 files (with dll, vdf, avp and avr extensions). When I try to delete them, there appears a message: "Access is denied". I right-clicked them and looked at their properties. They are not read-only files and their advanced properties seem OK.
To my despair, today at 12:00, Avira started to scan my PC.
How can I delete these files and erase all hints of Avira from my PC?
I use Windows XP.
Thanks and best regards, AT.

Albert Golub
Albert Golub  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:21
English to French
hope it can help Jun 2, 2009

looks like you need a special uninstall package

[Edited at 2009-06-02 15:59 GMT]

Spanish-English Translator
Spanish-English Translator
Local time: 21:21
English to Spanish
+ ...
How do I delete files with denied access? Jun 2, 2009

Thank you Albert for your reply. I tried some of the methods explained in the link you suggested me.
I have located the remaining Avira files. But I cannot delete them. The system denies me access to them. It seems that Avira developer has locked them.
How do I change the permission of these files so as to delete them? I tried in Properties, but it did not work. Thanks in advance.

[Editado a las 2009-06-02 20:19 GMT]

Alessandra Martelli (X)
Alessandra Martelli (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:21
English to Italian
+ ...
Use Unlocker Jun 2, 2009

Hi again AT

You can download Unlocker, a very wise tool which can unlock files that seem to be used from programs or so and cannot be deleted. You can find the download page of Unlocker here:

By the way, are you having troubles with Avira?

FarkasAndras  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:21
English to Hungarian
+ ...
Uninstall vs delete Jun 2, 2009

Argentine Translator wrote:

As I did not find an uninstall command, I manually deleted the Avira files.

I'm guessing you are running some flavour of Windows. Why didn't you use the Add or remove programs tool? Starting an uninstall by just deleting files is never a good idea.
And then... in all likelihood, Avuninst.exe IS the uninstall command so I can't make much sense of your post.

As to the actual deleting part, if I really wanted to, I'd probably restart the computer, open up the task manager, kill any process that has avira in its name and try after that. If that fails and you're determined to nuke them, you could just boot into a Ubuntu live CD and go crazy. You can delete whatever you feel like that way... only recommended if you know what you're doing. I myself know too little about windows to start deleting random DLLs... they are shared among various programs and I'm not sure if any other sw may be using DLLs in the Avira folder.

Spanish-English Translator
Spanish-English Translator
Local time: 21:21
English to Spanish
+ ...
Where is the task manager in Windows XP? Jun 2, 2009

Thank you Alessandra and FarkasAndras. Unfortunately Unlocker did not work with my Avira files. I made a terrible mistake when I tried to delete files manually. I did not remember that Add/Remove feauture.
Where is the Task Manager? I use Windows XP.
Now in my PC, Avira and AVG are running together in real time. How does it sound?

Alessandra Martelli (X)
Alessandra Martelli (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:21
English to Italian
+ ...
I run them both too... Jun 3, 2009

Argentine Translator wrote:
Where is the Task Manager? I use Windows XP.
Now in my PC, Avira and AVG are running together in real time. How does it sound?

For the Task manager just push CONTROL + ALT + CANC (the three of them at the very same time) and the Task Manager dialog box will appear. Just click on the processes tab and on the appearing list you will be able to stop any unwanted running program.

I actually have both AVG and Avira running on my computer and they are no trouble, I just set up different scheduled times for update and virus scan (one has a scheduled system scan at 3 am, the other one has it at 3 pm).

FarkasAndras  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:21
English to Hungarian
+ ...
Add or remove programs Jun 3, 2009

Come to think of it, if the program still launches, there is quite a bit of it left. You should try to use Add or remove programs (located in the control panel, google it if you're unsure) to remove it. Maybe it won't get thrown off by the missing files and do a full, proper uninstall.

AFAIK having two antivirus programs is not recommended at all. It can lead to all sorts of troubles.

Spanish-English Translator
Spanish-English Translator
Local time: 21:21
English to Spanish
+ ...
Thanks, FarkasAndras Jun 3, 2009

I looked at the Add/Remove feauture at the Control Panel, but Avira does not appear in the list of removable programs. I do not have an Avira icon. But, Avira is in the list of programs and t today at 12:00 started to scan my PC.
I was advised to reinstall Avira and then to remove it with the Control Panel. How do you see that? What will happen with the rests of the first installation?


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Cannot delete Avira files

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