partial installation of Office
Thread poster: Vladimir Dubisskiy
Vladimir Dubisskiy
Vladimir Dubisskiy
United States
Local time: 21:21
Member (2001)
English to Russian
+ ...
Nov 13, 2003

Is it possible to install? say? only Word and Excel from the whole MS Office suite?
And if yes? then - how?

does Trados need Word to be installed?

Vladimir Dubisskiy
Vladimir Dubisskiy
United States
Local time: 21:21
Member (2001)
English to Russian
+ ...
thank you Tayfun Nov 13, 2003

And for the below you are to be hailed by all Microsoft people, including BG) "-)..being without Ms-Word per se is not possible at all for a translator
(I kinda was aware of that before, honestly)/

Abd for your hint re. custom installation... yes - I must look into it. You see, teher is an idea to have (because of a little space) only CAT (say Trados) and minimum word-processing program-s (say, word,excel, powe
... See more
And for the below you are to be hailed by all Microsoft people, including BG) "-)..being without Ms-Word per se is not possible at all for a translator
(I kinda was aware of that before, honestly)/

Abd for your hint re. custom installation... yes - I must look into it. You see, teher is an idea to have (because of a little space) only CAT (say Trados) and minimum word-processing program-s (say, word,excel, powerpoint) on my old pc.
And, I always have that Acess and Outlook - but I do not use them -

Thank you!

[Edited at 2003-11-13 19:54]


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partial installation of Office

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