Arial CE fonts
Thread poster: Elena Ghetti
Elena Ghetti
Elena Ghetti  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:34
Member (2003)
English to Italian
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Feb 3, 2004

Do you know:

- if it is possible to find these fonts for free (I surfed the net and was able to find only "free font shops" that sold these fonts...

- how I can install them in Windows XP (which directory? is it sufficient to copy/paste? etc.)


Jerzy Czopik
Jerzy Czopik  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:34
Member (2003)
Polish to German
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These fonts come with any Windows OS Feb 3, 2004

You have them allready, if you have the european Version of Windows XP.
They are not shown by applications running Unicode, such as Word, but Pagemaker does not support Unicode, so you will be abl to see Arial and Arial CE, Arial Cyryllic and other Arial types in Pagemaker.
You only have to assure, that the CP 1250 is checked. Go to Start - Control Pannel - Regional and laguage settings - Enhanced and check, if CP 1250 is selected (which it is by default).

Kind regards... See more
You have them allready, if you have the european Version of Windows XP.
They are not shown by applications running Unicode, such as Word, but Pagemaker does not support Unicode, so you will be abl to see Arial and Arial CE, Arial Cyryllic and other Arial types in Pagemaker.
You only have to assure, that the CP 1250 is checked. Go to Start - Control Pannel - Regional and laguage settings - Enhanced and check, if CP 1250 is selected (which it is by default).

Kind regards

Grzegorz Gryc
Grzegorz Gryc  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:34
French to Polish
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Non è difficile :-) Feb 3, 2004

Elena Ghetti wrote:

Do you know:

- if it is possible to find these fonts for free (I surfed the net and was able to find only "free font shops" that sold these fonts...

You have it for free.
The standard Unicode Arial, Times etc are available on your Windows XP install CD.

If you need correspodnent Postcript fonts (e.g. Frutiger) you must contact the appriopriate vendor.

- how I can install them in Windows XP (which directory? is it sufficient to copy/paste? etc.)

Just install the support for CE languages.
Control Panel, Regional and language options.

GG aka "Zdrówkot"

Elena Ghetti
Elena Ghetti  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:34
Member (2003)
English to Italian
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Yes it's selected Feb 3, 2004

But then, how can I select this font in Notepad? I cannot see it in Notepad....


Jerzy Czopik wrote:

You have them allready, if you have the european Version of Windows XP.
They are not shown by applications running Unicode, such as Word, but Pagemaker does not support Unicode, so you will be abl to see Arial and Arial CE, Arial Cyryllic and other Arial types in Pagemaker.
You only have to assure, that the CP 1250 is checked. Go to Start - Control Pannel - Regional and laguage settings - Enhanced and check, if CP 1250 is selected (which it is by default).

Kind regards

Jerzy Czopik
Jerzy Czopik  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:34
Member (2003)
Polish to German
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You cannot select any font in Notepad Feb 3, 2004

You can not select Arial, Times or any other font in Notepad. This is OK so.
To write in Notepad in any language, just switch your keyboard to the desired language, then you´ll be able to write in this language. This works only in Win 2k/XP.

Kind regards

Grzegorz Gryc
Grzegorz Gryc  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:34
French to Polish
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Font in Notepad Feb 3, 2004

Elena Ghetti wrote:

But then, how can I select this font in Notepad? I cannot see it in Notepad....

Menu "Format", "Font".
In the dialog box, the "Script" listbox.

But, instead of Notepad, consider using another program, like UltraEdit or PFE.

GG aka "Zdrówkot"

RWSTranslati (X)
RWSTranslati (X)
Local time: 04:34
German to English
+ ...
Arial CE Feb 3, 2004


Arial CE is only a mapping from the Windows Arial unicode fonts for software which is not able to use unicode fonts directly.

You can use Word 95 if you want to format a text manually with Arial CE. After you save them as a rtf file, you can use Word 2 for save them as a ANSI text file. The newer word versions will produce some wrong characters in the text file.

With Word 2000 and Windows 2000 you can install additional codepages. After this you can
... See more

Arial CE is only a mapping from the Windows Arial unicode fonts for software which is not able to use unicode fonts directly.

You can use Word 95 if you want to format a text manually with Arial CE. After you save them as a rtf file, you can use Word 2 for save them as a ANSI text file. The newer word versions will produce some wrong characters in the text file.

With Word 2000 and Windows 2000 you can install additional codepages. After this you can save a word file in the desired coding. I don't check if the codes are always correct, but maybe ...

With kind regards


Grzegorz Gryc
Grzegorz Gryc  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:34
French to Polish
+ ...
Font in Notepad (corrected) Feb 3, 2004

4gats wrote:

Elena Ghetti wrote:

But then, how can I select this font in Notepad? I cannot see it in Notepad....

Menu "Format", "Font".
In the dialog box, the "Script" listbox.

Of course, is for display only.
You can't define fonts in pure txt format.



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Arial CE fonts

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