Problem with HTML Tag
Thread poster: wonita (X)
wonita (X)
wonita (X)
Local time: 20:30
Jan 28, 2011

Dear colleagues,

I use the following tag for the title of my profile:

(CENTER)(font color="blue")(H1)
Dolmetscher und Übersetzer für Chinesisch (/CENTER)(/font)(/H1)

I deliberately write () for the tag, so that you can see what tag I use for HTML.

But the color of the title "Dolmetscher und Übersetzer für Chinesisch" is green instead of blue. Does anybody know how I can change the color to blue?

Bin... See more
Dear colleagues,

I use the following tag for the title of my profile:

(CENTER)(font color="blue")(H1)
Dolmetscher und Übersetzer für Chinesisch (/CENTER)(/font)(/H1)

I deliberately write () for the tag, so that you can see what tag I use for HTML.

But the color of the title "Dolmetscher und Übersetzer für Chinesisch" is green instead of blue. Does anybody know how I can change the color to blue?


[Edited at 2011-01-28 19:27 GMT]

Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT
Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:30
Member (2005)
English to Spanish
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Use an hexadecimal code Jan 28, 2011

Replace "blue" with an hexadecimal code in the form "#aaaaaa". Use this table for reference (click the colour you wish to use):

wonita (X)
wonita (X)
Local time: 20:30
Thanks, Tomas Jan 28, 2011

I have changed "blue" to "#0000ff", which is the code for the blue colour. But the title is still green.

Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT
Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:30
Member (2005)
English to Spanish
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If the computer says it is blue, it is blue! Jan 28, 2011

Just joking...

Hm... This is strange. What is the colour depth of your system? Maybe you can increase the colour depth so that a wider range of colours can be represented? Also, when you look at pictures that show blue colours, like when you google "blue colour", do you see blue or also some green images?

Frank van Thienen (X)
Frank van Thienen (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:30
Dutch to English
nesting and such Jan 28, 2011

Hi Bin,

(posted this earlier, but it's not showing up, so excuse me if it shows twice)

You need to properly nest your tags (1)(2)(3)text (/3)(/2)(/1)

You also need to use hexadecimal codes for the umlauts

and you might want to check to see if a css is attached to the webpage.

anyway, try this code (change brackets to proper html brackets):

(CENTER)(H1)(font color="blue")Dolmetscher und Übersetzer für Chinesisch(/font
... See more
Hi Bin,

(posted this earlier, but it's not showing up, so excuse me if it shows twice)

You need to properly nest your tags (1)(2)(3)text (/3)(/2)(/1)

You also need to use hexadecimal codes for the umlauts

and you might want to check to see if a css is attached to the webpage.

anyway, try this code (change brackets to proper html brackets):

(CENTER)(H1)(font color="blue")Dolmetscher und Übersetzer für Chinesisch(/font)(/H1)(/CENTER)


[Edited at 2011-01-28 19:59 GMT]

wonita (X)
wonita (X)
Local time: 20:30
Are you suggesting... Jan 28, 2011

Tomás Cano Binder, CT wrote:

Just joking...

Hm... This is strange. What is the colour depth of your system? Maybe you can increase the colour depth so that a wider range of colours can be represented? Also, when you look at pictures that show blue colours, like when you google "blue colour", do you see blue or also some green images?

Tomás, my eyes and my computer are otherwise fine.

Frank van Thienen (X)
Frank van Thienen (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:30
Dutch to English
html conundrum Jan 28, 2011

the problems of representing html code on an html page

The hexadecimal codes for the U- and u-umlaut are & Uuml; and & uuml;
(remove the space after the ampersand)

as in & Uuml;bersetzer f& uuml;r


wonita (X)
wonita (X)
Local time: 20:30
Yes, it works! Jan 28, 2011

Frank van Thienen wrote:

Hi Bin,

(posted this earlier, but it's not showing up, so excuse me if it shows twice)

You need to properly nest your tags (1)(2)(3)text (/3)(/2)(/1)

You also need to use hexadecimal codes for the umlauts

and you might want to check to see if a css is attached to the webpage.

anyway, try this code (change brackets to proper html brackets):

(CENTER)(H1)(font color="blue")Dolmetscher und Übersetzer für Chinesisch(/font)(/H1)(/CENTER)


After I changed (CENTER)(font color="blue")(H1) to (CENTER)(H1)(font color="blue"), the color has changed to blue. I have never cared about the order of the tags, just believed it does not matter.

Many thanks, Frank.

[Edited at 2011-01-28 20:08 GMT]

Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT
Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:30
Member (2005)
English to Spanish
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CSS with colour for H1 style? Jan 28, 2011

Frank van Thienen wrote:
and you might want to check to see if a css is attached to the webpage.

Absolutely. Dumb me. Heading style H1 could have green as the colour in an associated CSS file. I think the CSS style could be that of's...

Maybe instead of using H1 you could simply choose the font and size manually, with:
(CENTER)(FONT FACE="Tahoma" SIZE=19.5 COLOR="blue")Dolmetscher und Übersetzer für Chinesisch(/font)(/CENTER)

(Your profile has Tahoma at 19.5 points as far as I can see.)

Frank van Thienen (X)
Frank van Thienen (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:30
Dutch to English
order of tags Jan 28, 2011

I just tested a different sequence of tags, putting H1 on the inside, and that gives you the default (css) colour.
In other words, the specs of one tag (H1) may be overwritten by a subsequent (font colour) tag!

Glad it worked out

Philip Lees
Philip Lees  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:30
Greek to English
The proper way Jan 29, 2011

This is the proper way (with substitution of the angle brackets):

(H1 style="text-align: center; color: blue")Text(/H1)

The (font) tag has been deprecated for some time, as has the (center) tag. Using 'style' inside the H1 tag will override any default CSS settings.

Might I (very politely) suggest that anyone who wants to use html should spend a little time studying the rules of html and learning a little bit about style sheets. An hour or two would probabl
... See more
This is the proper way (with substitution of the angle brackets):

(H1 style="text-align: center; color: blue")Text(/H1)

The (font) tag has been deprecated for some time, as has the (center) tag. Using 'style' inside the H1 tag will override any default CSS settings.

Might I (very politely) suggest that anyone who wants to use html should spend a little time studying the rules of html and learning a little bit about style sheets. An hour or two would probably be enough.

This would be a good place to start:


wonita (X)
wonita (X)
Local time: 20:30
Problem with umlauten Jan 29, 2011

I have just uploaded my new homepage and discovered the following problem: Some umlauten are not shown correctly with unicode setting(other settings are fine), though I used HTML code for all umlauten.

Does anybody have an idea what the cause of this problem could be?

By the way, I 've tried both Name in HTML and Unicode in HTML,
... See more
I have just uploaded my new homepage and discovered the following problem: Some umlauten are not shown correctly with unicode setting(other settings are fine), though I used HTML code for all umlauten.

Does anybody have an idea what the cause of this problem could be?

By the way, I 've tried both Name in HTML and Unicode in HTML, neither of them works.

Thank you in advance.


[Edited at 2011-01-30 09:26 GMT]

Ambrose Li
Ambrose Li  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:30
+ ...
Maybe you just need to declare it to be UTF-8? Jan 29, 2011

Bin Tiede wrote:

I have just uploaded my new home page and discovered the following problem: Some umlauten are not shown correctly with unicode setting(other settings are fine), though I used HTML code for all umlauten.

Does anybody have an idea what the cause of this problem could be?

By the way, I 've tried both Name in HTML and Unicode in HTML, neither of them works.

If you want the page to show properly in UTF-8, just declare it in the header (between (HEAD) and (/HEAD)) and save the page in UTF-8. I wouldn’t normally bother to use HTML code for umlauted letters; I’d just type them out.

The declaration that I’d use is:
(meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8")

wonita (X)
wonita (X)
Local time: 20:30
Many thanks, Ambrose Jan 29, 2011

Ambrose Li wrote:

The declaration that I’d use is:
(meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8")

The problem has been solved with your help.

Have a nice weekend!



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Problem with HTML Tag

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