Mcafee firewall blocking
Thread poster: Katherine Zei
Katherine Zei
Katherine Zei  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:20
Italian to English
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Apr 13, 2006

I just wanted to give everyone a heads-up about this problem, and see if anyone else has experienced it. I did a Proz search but it doesn't seem to have ever been discussed, hence this post.

Last year I bought a Dell computer with a McAfee secruity suite already installed. Then last November I got a broadband connection. Yay! One problem. I wasn't able to access! Shock! Horror!

It was the only page that I was unable to visualise using Explorer. I sought help v
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I just wanted to give everyone a heads-up about this problem, and see if anyone else has experienced it. I did a Proz search but it doesn't seem to have ever been discussed, hence this post.

Last year I bought a Dell computer with a McAfee secruity suite already installed. Then last November I got a broadband connection. Yay! One problem. I wasn't able to access! Shock! Horror!

It was the only page that I was unable to visualise using Explorer. I sought help via the wonderful tekkies at Proz, but none of their suggestions proved useful. I changed all of my Explorer options and broadband configs many many times, again to no avail. "How strange," I though; but since I could access Proz from my college computers, I thought nothing of it.

My McAfee subscription ended, and I found a different firewall and anti-virus suite, and installed it. When I disinstalled the McAfee firewall... lo and behold! I could access Proz!! A miracle!

Has anyone else found that McAfee firewalls block their access to

I'm going to post all the software versions so that Proz has a full record of this anomaly.

Ciao to all, and happy translating!

Riccardo Schiaffino
Riccardo Schiaffino  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 20:20
Member (2003)
English to Italian
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You can always set the firewall to give access to what you want Apr 13, 2006

McAfee firewall might block ProZ, but you can always change the settings so as to permit access to it (or to anything else). You have to go in the firewall options, and then change the settings.

Katherine Zei
Katherine Zei  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:20
Italian to English
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Firewall settings Apr 13, 2006

Hi Riccardo, thanks for your reply.

You would think you'd be able to set what pages you want blocked, wouldn't you?

Unfortunately that was not the case. The firewall settings revealed that no pages had been blocked, so this was an anomaly.

I went through every single setting that had to do with any program on my mojo that had to do with internet access. This went on for almost a year, and so I had lots of time to examine every single possibility.
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Hi Riccardo, thanks for your reply.

You would think you'd be able to set what pages you want blocked, wouldn't you?

Unfortunately that was not the case. The firewall settings revealed that no pages had been blocked, so this was an anomaly.

I went through every single setting that had to do with any program on my mojo that had to do with internet access. This went on for almost a year, and so I had lots of time to examine every single possibility.

I even had a friend from the uni who is studying computer programming come over and try to sort this out. No dice.

Riccardo Schiaffino
Riccardo Schiaffino  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 20:20
Member (2003)
English to Italian
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Strange Apr 13, 2006

Did you try to get support from McAfee? (Not theat they are ever very helpful, in my experience)

Katherine Zei
Katherine Zei  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:20
Italian to English
+ ...
Help from McAfee Apr 13, 2006

Riccardo Schiaffino wrote:

Did you try to get support from McAfee? (Not theat they are ever very helpful, in my experience)

quite right.

I wrote support request emails to McAfee, I wrote emails to NTL digital, my broadband supplier, I wrote to Proz.... buckets.

I know that there is a possiblity that there was one little option that I didn't check out--one little MS options box that perhaps was ticked and shouldn't have been--but I honestly believe that this was an anomaly.

[Edited at 2006-04-13 21:18]


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Mcafee firewall blocking

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