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English Government / Politics Translation Glossary

English term English translation
diverse profile of the member states Distinct background. ..
government a body exercising control and administration in a political unit
"Kumbaya-interchangeable sameness" happy-clappy sameness
"Time for a port pivot" A blog entry about US port security
(financial) bag carrier (financial) assistant, subordinate
(measures taken to) their furthermost conclusions their utmost extreme
..........(we) are conducting business, but it is not business as usual. doing their jobs
a crime of unspoken criticism a crime of thought or intention without an overt act
a swing country a country that could vote either way
Entered by: Antoinette Verburg
access and equity needs the right to access all public facilities of the city in equal manner
Entered by: Ray Nugraha
across the parties non-partisan
additional to these Articles above and beyond the percentage provided in these articles
adjourn end, postpone, or defer a meeting to another time
agency the capacity of an agent to act in a world
An Garda Siochana Ireland\'s National Police Service
and so renders the flexibility that is the rationale for delegated expenditures on services elsewhere only token at best The result is that flexibility (which is given as the reason for delegated expenditure on services) becomes only symbolic.
approaches ways of dealing with something, ways of doing or thinking about something
as duly established as they exist now
as specified as explained
as they are reinforced because tools are made even more powerful (by addition of...)
Entered by: Yvonne Gallagher
as vehicles to transmit lies as a medium to tell lies
Entered by: Yasutomo Kanazawa
at the horizon 2015-2020 projected for the 2015-2020 time frame
Entered by: Yvonne Gallagher
“All honourable guys had started in Intelligence Service” All decent people got their start in intelligence.
ballot measures proposed laws approved by voters rather than the state or local legislative body
Barack / Barak different names of different origin
behavior scales to the world now—and the world scales my behaviour directly affects the wider world and vice-versa
besetting troubling
Entered by: Abdelmonem Samir
between them Yes, added together, 35 years of experience
Bevin (last name, Britain) British labor leader and statesman who played an important role in diplomacy after World War II (__-1951)
blank citizen Leave blank: Citizen....
bleep system paging system, an on-call system (using small radio receivers which "bleep")
boom! That's it! /It's all over!/ Utter destruction!/ Apocalypse!
Entered by: Yvonne Gallagher
bring a clearer picture to the training landscape make the training programme easier to understand
CELEX Communitatis Europeae Lex (European Union law database)
census conducted census conducted/carried out/taken/shows
CIA U CIA University
Civic life activities that further the good of the community
Entered by: Ray Nugraha
civilian constituencies, civilian/peaceful population
Entered by: Abdelmonem Samir
close ally close allies etc
co-optation to co-opt
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