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French to English Botany Translation Glossary

French term English translation
rhubarbe standardisée en sennosides rhubarb with standardised sennosides
Entered by: Sheila Hardie
richesse (de production ou de variété) abundance
ripisylve riparian forest
rosette de cellules annexes rosette of subsidiary cells
Entered by: liz askew
Rumex de Tanger Rumex roseus (syn. R. tingitanus), Tangier sorrel
s'élaguant à moyen terme (which) break off at mid-term growth
s'elaguent parallélement au redressement du tronc. the latter are lopped off as the trunk staightens up
semence franche cultivar seed(s)
semi-tardive mid to late season (flowering or ripening)
sevrage separation
soies awns
somnité fleurie Passiflora flower head
sophora du Japon sophora japonica / pagoda tree
sous les barres de culture under the crop bars
spéculation crop (in agriculture)
stipe monocaule single trunk
substrat fleurissement potting compost OR growing medium for flowers
taille copse, coppice, thicket
Entered by: Sheila Hardie
taille de fructification pruning to encourage fruiting
thym citron panaché Variegated lemon thyme
tiges sarmenteuses climbing or twining stems; also sarmentose/sarmentous (botany)
tomate olive plum tomato
traitements cupriques applications of copper-containing / copper fungicides
trolle globeflower (Trollius laxus)
tronc veineux thyro-linguo-facial Thyro-linguofacial venous trunk
turbinée whorled
un arbre pionnier pioneer tree
vibratoire vibratory energy of the molecules
zone subéro-phellodermique phelloderm
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