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French to English Medical: Cardiology Translation Glossary

French term English translation
électro-entraîné induced by electrical stimulation
ép SIV td telediastolic interventricular septum (IVS) thickness
épreuves dynamiques exercise stress test.
état bitronculaire two vessel disease with stenosis
événement atrial détecté detected atrial event
Entered by: Elene P.
éversant everting
Entered by: Gwynneth Kably
évolution des symptômes improvement
être en TA experiencing atrial tachycardia
Entered by: liz askew
b de lit sitting (here)
B V complet complete AV block (complete atrioventricular block)
B1 B2 BR S1 S2. Regular.
B1-B2 Normal heart sounds S1 S2
B1B2 bien frappés strong, regular S1 and S2
Entered by: liz askew
B2 diminué second heart sound (s2) with decreased intensity
Entered by: Bertrand Leduc
B:D P:A Arm: right Position: sitting/seated
BACFA atrial fibrillation with sustained bradyarrhythmia
Balayage Echocardiographique (non coté) not scaled (or not assessed)
ballon actif après kissing IVA bissectrice ballon active/inflated after KBI on IVA bisecting artery or ramus intermedius
ballon non concluante unsuccessful balloon angioplasty
Entered by: liz askew
BAV1 1st degree AV block
Entered by: Gwynneth Kably
BBD right bundle branch block (RBBB)
BDC réguliers regular/normal heart sounds
Entered by: Timothy Rake
BdS bénéficiaire de soins > patient
BEA (bonne entrée d'air) good air entry
Entered by: Yolanda Broad
belle artère healthy artery
belle marginale patent/unoccluded marginal branch
Entered by: liz askew
belle veine healthy vein
Entered by: Michael Meskers
BID (bloc de branche droit incomplet) incomplete right bundle branch block
Entered by: Krys Williams
bifurcation IVA moyenne diagonale where the mid-diagonal branch arises from the left anterior descending coronary artery
BIGV (Bigéminie Ventriculaire) ventricular bigeminy
bilan de sortie (hospital) discharge examination
Bilan droit-gauche right and left heart haemodynamics
Entered by: liz askew
bilan lipidique lipid profile
biologie Clinical Laboratory Test Results
BISS ramus intermedius artery
Entered by: Michael Meskers
Biss. Ostiale Ramus intermedius (RI): ostial [stenosis]
bissectrice ramus intermedius
bloc de sortie exit block
boitier box (pacemaker)
bonne étendue with a good luminal diameter and a good perfusion territory
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