Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Glossary of Jewish History
Jewish Virtual Library |
Terms related to various phases and periods of Jewish history, from the biblical times to the Holocaust and the state of Israel. Source terms are in various languages: Hebrew, English, German, Yiddish, Arabic (the ones using non-Latin alphabets having been transliterated into English); explanations and definitions are in English.
Phrase Dictionary
Gary Martin (1996 - 2005) |
This link leads to an A to Z index that gives the meanings and origins of over 2,000 English sayings, phrases, and idioms. It is easy to use and free.
Glossary of Biblical English of the Authorised Version of the Holy Bible
Personal Glossary, Author Unknown |
A Glossary of XVIIth Century Biblical English Words and Expressions
Kitab� Mukaddes/Kutsal Kitap [Holy Bible]
Kitab� Mukaddes �irketi, Istanbul |
Lately revised authorized Turkish translation; covers all the books of the Old and New Testaments; includes line-by-line comparisons against the outdated former Turkish version; links to other language versions and provides zipped downloads of several other language versions (e.g. Arabic, Hebrew) Authorized source for (old and new) biblical ter... View more