Translation glossary: Yolanta Vlaykov

Showing entries 1-50 of 225
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"бакалавър и магистър"Baccalaureat&Maîtrise 
Bulgarian to French
English to Bulgarian
"For Whom the Bell Curve Really Tolls"за кого всъщност бие камбаната 
English to Bulgarian
"tail pulley ","pillow block bearings"A pulley at the tail of the belt conveyor 
a chartered accountant by tradeexpert-comptable de profession 
English to French
A common type of corporate fraud is income tax evasionDans le milieu corporatif, la fraude fiscale est fréquente. 
English to French
a customer-focused businessUne activité orientée vers le client 
English to French
a fraud exceptionune dérogation frauduleuse 
English to French
a tout occupant de son chef...n'aurait pas ete regleto refuse access to any/all other occupant(s) at his own discretion 
English to French
аварийни светлини на автомобилhazard lights 
Bulgarian to English
ЕГН или единен граждански номерPIN(Personal Identification Number) 
Bulgarian to English
Bulgarian to English
English to French
actionable reportофициален доклад 
English to Bulgarian
actionable/ report/A report on which legal action might be based 
��� - ����� �� �������� ������ � ������������� �������� �����EMG = Electromyography 
Bulgarian to English
English to French
application registration cardcarte d'enregistrement de demande 
English to French
arch gamePasse passera: farandole et pont 
English to French
Arterial Graftартериална присадка 
English to Bulgarian
Backloadнапълете [материал] през задния отвор 
English to Bulgarian
bandsлигиране към зъба 
English to Bulgarian
Bearclaw's advisory/spreadsLe conseil de Bearclaw/courses 
English to French
berry farmcultures de baies / champs de baies 
English to French
bill of quantitiesколичествена сметка 
English to Bulgarian
English to Bulgarian
English to Bulgarian
Box Display Timeecran d'affichage de temps 
English to French
English to Bulgarian
Buckyрешетка на Буки 
English to Bulgarian
by defaultпоради неявяване на ответната страна / непредставяне на насрещен иск 
English to Bulgarian
Закон за народната просветаPublic Education Act 
Bulgarian to English
cantilevers(тротоарни) бордюри 
English to Bulgarian
Cashing in on one’smaking the most of your skills and abilities 
Cashing in on one’s (competences)Използване/печелене на дивиденти от компетентността/способностите си 
English to Bulgarian
catch pitдренажна шахта 
English to Bulgarian
Charge alternatorзаряд на акумулатора 
English to Bulgarian
chateletin sequence 
French to English
child friendlyПодходящ за деца 
English to Bulgarian
claims bar datedate limite pour le dépôt des réclamations 
English to French
clear measuring captasse graduee/transparente/ 
English to French
coffee plungerфренска преса 
English to Bulgarian
commercialisé "en blanc"speculative development 
French to English
Compaignкампания (рекламна) 
English to Bulgarian
competence vs competencyкомпетентност vs способност / вещина 
English to Bulgarian
Computer Central processin dataunite centrale de traitement des donnees 
English to French
continuous gravimetric blenderгравиметричен смесител с непрекъснато действие 
English to Bulgarian
contrepartie de liquidité aux sortantsmaintaining his cash equivalent guarantee to exiting investors 
French to English
cooking appliencesappareils de cuisson 
English to French
cornstrachfecule de mais 
English to French
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