ProZ.com pools: Screened experts from the industry's database

  1. What are ProZ.com Pools?

    Pools are specialized groups of screened experts. ProZ.com freelancers from the industry’s database are vetted, organized and made available for external opportunities. Business members may select pool experts for opportunities or integrate pools into their platform. ProZ.com plans to make many pools available.

  2. Who can apply for inclusion into a ProZ.com Pool?

    Any ProZ.com member may apply. Standard members will be limited to three (3) pools. Plus subscribers will be able to join five (5) pools. Additional restrictions may be placed on non-members.

  3. What do businesses gain from a ProZ.com Pool?

    Business members will gain access to pre-screened specialists in each pool. Source these specialists for your next project.

  4. What screening process is used to determine whether or not a qualifies for admittance into a pool?

    Pool membership will be based on commercial viability in specialized services. Credentials, invoices and feedback provided by clients and colleagues will be considered. Screening will be ongoing and guided by industry standards and the requirements of the ProZ.com Certified PRO Network.
  5. Why must I agree to show my real name in ProZ.com pools?

    Pools are different from the rest of the site with regard to name display. Real names are shown to those with full access to the pool, in order to increase outsourcer confidence and expand opportunities for all pool members. First name and last initial will be shown to those that do not have full access to pools. Currently, business plus members have the most access, while business members and those in the pool also have greater pool access than others.

  6. What is feedback?

    Feedback becomes a part of a pool profile record. It allows clients to review and thus continue the screening process for pool members. ProZ.com requests that outsourcers try to contact the ProZ.com member to resolve any issues before leaving negative feedback. ProZ.com requests that all feedback is constructive and based on specific services offered

  7. Why do I have to accept and display feedback?

    Business members have requested feedback as part of this service in order to integrate with ProZ.com. Feedback is required to open up more opportunities to ProZ.com members. Pool members will have opportunities to follow up on all feedback and seek arbitration.

  8. I have not earned any credential or certification. May I still apply?

    Yes. Assessment of ability will be performed based on other information supplied in your application. Some specialties do not offer accrediting bodies or certifications. Work history and willingness to work again will be reviewed as well.

  9. Who will review my application?

    Applications for inclusion in ProZ.com pools are reviewed by site staff members.

  10. Can I apply in additional language pairs?

    Members of pools can be added in up to three different language pairs. Applicants will need to demonstrate commercial viability in each suggested language pair. Language pairs will be approved by ProZ.com site staff members.

  11. What happens if my application does not get accepted?

    Members may reapply for pools at any time.

  12. Will I get feedback on my application and have a chance to submit additional information?

    Members may reapply for pools at any time.

  13. Is there an appeals process?

    Yes, it is possible to request that your application be re-evaluated.

  14. Is it possible for a person / a company to be removed from the pool?

    Yes. If it becomes clear that a participant does not (or no longer) meets the minimum requirements of any of the parts to the screening process, that person would be subject to removal from the program. Business members at certain levels may be able to exclude pool members from their opportunities.

  15. What does it cost to participate in the program?

    Full participation in ProZ.com pools is available to ProZ.com members only. If admitted, members pay no additional fees. Additional external opportunities and preferential ranking may be available to Plus members at the freelancer and business levels.

  16. Is it necessary to remain a paying member of ProZ.com to continue participating in the pool?

    Non-members may remain as part of a pool. However, ProZ.com members will receive additional benefits from the pool.

  17. What happens if my membership expires?

    Non-members will not receive the same pool benefits on ProZ.com. However, upon membership renewal, your status in the pool will be reinstated.

  18. Why am I asked to provide rates?

    Pool partners will integrate to make opportunities available to those with rates that meet their requirements.

  19. Can I opt-out of pool opportunities with a specific company or platform?

    Yes, ProZ.com will make an effort to allow pool members to opt out of opportunities from specific companies or platforms.

  20. What else do I need to know about pools?

    Got more questions? Please reach out to us directly either via support or [email protected].

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