ASE English / Preferred Spanish Glossary

National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) |

Downloadable PDF file that can be searched in both directions.

The translations contained in this glossary represent most, if not all, of the terms a technician may encounter on the associated bilingual certification exams. The “Preferred Spanish” translation for each English term or phrase is intended to represent a translation that should be correctly understood by any knowledgeable Spanish-speaking automobile technician, regardless of where their Spanish originates. Given the variations in Spanish from country to country, and region to region, creating a universally understood technical document in Spanish is a substantial challenge.

This ASE English / Preferred Spanish Glossary is hereby released into the public domain and can be used free of charge. ASE requests that where substantial portions of these works are incorporated into the user’s materials, the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) be given source credit.

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