What translators are working on

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What translation project are you working on right now?
Conor McAuley posting from ProZ.com shared:

Dec. 2021 to May 2022. Taught myself subtitling on Subtitle Edit and by studying other subtitlers' work: on the shows Barry, We Own This City, and Silicon Valley, notably. Clients: CCJK, Mondo Agit (France), and Strommen (LA). Topics: the Olympic Games (an interview with an athlete), racism in football (interviews with various men's and womens' football players, amongst them two FIFA World Cup winners), animal rights & the environment (interview with Hugo Clément, a prominent French activist), etc. Volume: 6 hours, which entailed a great deal more work than it might seem. Skills learned: TBC


1 userI Do That

replied from ProZ.com at 11:51 Jun 14, 2022:

Hello, Conor, it's the same thing I'm trying to learn myself too with the hope to reach out my goal; it's not easy the things in subtitling but I will finally cope with that too. Have a good summertime with lot of work!