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Thread poster: chance (X)
Wenjer Leuschel (X)
Wenjer Leuschel (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:24
English to Chinese
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这倒是真的 Dec 9, 2007

chance wrote:



有些肤浅的人听到 une femme divorcée,就会以为是 easy prey,你应该很清楚我不至于那么肤浅。她翻译的电影字幕不少,虽说见仁见智,但还真的蛮值得参考。

chance (X)
chance (X)
French to Chinese
+ ...
那你有空再推荐她译的其它电影 Dec 9, 2007


Wenjer Leuschel wrote:


Wenjer Leuschel (X)
Wenjer Leuschel (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:24
English to Chinese
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你可以到... Dec 9, 2007

chance wrote:

Wenjer Leuschel wrote:


台湾的“翻译工作坊”和她对对话,也许她会愿意和你联系。她在那儿化名是“欧巴桑”,这是日文里的“熟女”的发音:おばさん。可见她期许自己是一个成熟的女人,不会有 caprice d'enfant 的表现。

By the way, 那些会跳出来声明什么的老公们都是对自己不够信心的男人。有信心的男人会让老婆自己处理自己的人际关系。;)

Jason Ma
Jason Ma  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:24
English to Chinese
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说到别有用心 Dec 10, 2007

Inquiring Chinese minds want to know. :~D

chance wrote:

谢你以前“别有用心”推荐的“推手”和“海南鸡饭”,我下载后看了,本想再仔细看看“海南鸡饭”里的排水流向是否确实与法国相反 可惜女儿把我那台笔记本带走了。

Wenjer Leuschel (X)
Wenjer Leuschel (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:24
English to Chinese
+ ...
Mrs. Harris Dec 15, 2007

Just saw a TV movie about the story of Jean Harris and Herman Tarnower.
... See more
Just saw a TV movie about the story of Jean Harris and Herman Tarnower.

The story is quite interesting in respect to truth finding. Even more interesting than Ryunosuke Akutagawa's "What Happened in the Bamboo's Bush."

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 07:24
English to Chinese
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千万不要忘记! Dec 16, 2007

Nanjing Massacre

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 07:24
Chinese to English
+ ...
U.S. DVD Release of "Lust, Caution" Jan 4, 2008

Just got a notice from that the DVD for "Lust, Caution" rated NC-17 will be released in the U.S. on Feb. 19th.

I won't say I can't wait since I've obviously waited thus far

chance (X)
chance (X)
French to Chinese
+ ...
我这里还没DVD Jan 5, 2008


wherestip wrote:

Just got a notice from that the DVD for "Lust, Caution" rated NC-17 will be released in the U.S. on Feb. 19th.

I won't say I can't wait since I've obviously waited thus far

Zhoudan  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:24
English to Chinese
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看完请赶快谈观感 Jan 5, 2008


wherestip wrote:

Just got a notice from that the DVD for "Lust, Caution" rated NC-17 will be released in the U.S. on Feb. 19th.

I won't say I can't wait since I've obviously waited thus far

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 07:24
Chinese to English
+ ...
DVD for "Lust, Caution" Jan 5, 2008

Zhoudan wrote:

这些日子看了一篇《色戒》影评,显然是北美华人写的。此人是看过不洁版的,也研究过原著,感受跟我的很相近。有空网上找找看, 找到了贴出来。不过一定要等到Steve看过再贴:D(如果有的话)。

Thanks, Zhoudan.

Don't worry about spoiling the plot for me. I think the main attraction of this movie might be in the epic settings and the excellent acting; so I don't mind knowing the storyline ahead of time at all.

chance wrote:




I was just checking out various online websites for a DVD copy of "八一军旗红". While at it, I also searched for Ang Lee's "Lust, Caution". Joyo has a budget copy for ¥10.00, and another regular copy for ¥16.00. However, some explicit scenes must have been deleted from these Mainland Chinese versions.

chance (X)
chance (X)
French to Chinese
+ ...
我们这里要到1月16日才在影院上映 Jan 5, 2008


wherestip wrote:


I was just checking out various online websites for a DVD copy of "八一军旗红". While at it, I also searched for Ang Lee's "Lust, Caution". Joyo has a budget copy for ¥10.00, and another regular copy for ¥16.00. However, some explicit scenes must have been deleted from these Mainland Chinese versions.

[Edited at 2008-01-05 18:07]

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 07:24
Chinese to English
+ ...
It's cheap Jan 5, 2008

chance wrote:


wherestip wrote:


I was just checking out various online websites for a DVD copy of "八一军旗红". While at it, I also searched for Ang Lee's "Lust, Caution". Joyo has a budget copy for ¥10.00, and another regular copy for ¥16.00. However, some explicit scenes must have been deleted from these Mainland Chinese versions.


I would get the budget copy for ¥10, plus shipping would be a total of ¥16. That's 3 big Euros at the most.

Joyo only charges ¥6 shipping for budget copy DVDs. I don't know why it's so low compared to the other extreme of ¥95 for a DVD series.

chance (X)
chance (X)
French to Chinese
+ ...
那可能是两个多小时的片子给删去了50% :D Jan 5, 2008

wherestip wrote:


I would get the budget copy for ¥10, plus shipping would be a total of ¥16. That's 3 big Euros at the most.

Joyo only charges ¥6 shipping for budget copy DVDs. I don't know why it's so low compared to the other extreme of ¥95 for a DVD series.

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 07:24
Chinese to English
+ ...
Cloud Jan 6, 2008

A PBS nature film about wild horses in the Rockies.

Beautiful footage with great storytelling.

What some viewers said about this film ...

This documentary is for anyone who loves horses, nature, or a tale of undying courage. For all ages. Death isn't a stranger in the Rocky Mountains but the subject is treated with respect and honor.

This film has some of the most awesome scenes of nature. Besides the life of wild horses, other animals are also featured, depicting their relationships with them. A beautiful story of a stallion, from his birth to adulthood, and the trials and tribulations of his world. A very informative story for kids and adults alike.

Ginger Kathrens voice is like a soft breeze, soothing. Her camera lense, the eye of truth, exposes CLOUD's heart and soul. Getting to know CLOUD and company was a spiritual awakening for me. There's a magical moment where Ginger, sitting on her horse, watches Cloud and his new found family horse around! Cloud stops for a moment and acknowledges Ginger, as if saying 'thank you and goodbye--for now'.
This film is not just another 'wild animal' story. It's a gift. An unexpected gift, which in its essence is priceless.

There is so much to be learned from this video, not just about horses and herd behavior, but for ourselves as we project our emotions into these incredible animals. Part of my professional work is with human groups, and sometimes challenge them to work out their issues as quickly as a group of horses turned together for the first time. This film gives us a chance to think about ourselves as much as it does about horses.

If you like horses this DVD really is something for you. If you like beautiful nature scenes it sure is something for you too. The lady who has made the this film speaks in a very easy understanding way, so even if you, like me who live in Sweden, don't speak a fluent English will find it very easy to follow everything she says.

[Edited at 2008-01-06 21:05]

Wenjer Leuschel (X)
Wenjer Leuschel (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:24
English to Chinese
+ ...
The Jack Bull Jan 6, 2008

刚又在 HBO 上看了一次 The Jack Bull。这部电影令人印象深刻,因为正义到底是什么,在某些情况下往往恰恰与人们相信的倒反。Wikipedia 做的这段解说值得参考:

The Jack Bull is part of a new breed of Western films, generally referred to as the Revisionist Western, standing alongside Dances with Wolves and The Unforgiven, which turn traditional conventions on their heads. These films feature grittier, more realistic worlds where the characters are no longer black and white, but various shades of gray. Most often they portray the individual competing in some way with the surrounding civilization.

These films often feature a form of antihero. The antihero does good on a personal mission, stands up for individual freedoms, justice, or morality, but often stands at odds to his country, legal system, political reality, or the times in which he lives. They show a crusading individual who must operate outside the law when the power structure of the day is corrupt and the legal system is not valid. This form of protagonist often wins the day, usually via some form of vigilante action, but is not rewarded in the end. In a way, this form of film shows a win-win, lose-lose scenario, where the protagonist defeats the antagonist, but then then protagonist often falls victim to the antagonistic civilization as a whole.

The new types of films have transformed and many critics say revived and made more powerful the entire Western genre. The Jack Bull is an excellent example and a minor Western classic.

这部戏里所阐述的人性和人权,在某些未开化的社会里,可能不太容易理解。中国的《水浒传》说的不正是同样的故事,所以汉文化社会中长大的人应该很能理解这部戏说的是些什么。只是奋力争取基本权利的人们往往最后还是被权力笼络、侵蚀,乃至于腐化了,而面对正义时,却很少有人能像这部戏里的主角 Myrl Redding 那样坦然。《水浒传》那些英雄好汉的下场都如何了?

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不翻译时聊电影(Translations and Movies)

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