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French to English Accounting Translation Glossary

French term English translation
gestion FIFO first in, first out
gestionnaire comptable Account(ing) managers
gisements de chiffre d'affaires potential sources of further/extra sales/turnover
gmid Global Market Information Database
guide de délimitation classification guidelines
Haut de portefeuille top segments of our client portfolio OR top segments of our portfolio
honoraires à la charge de fees to be borne/paid by
horizon de retournement prospect of reversal; spectre of clawback
hors CP & coût de départ congés payés / paid holiday
hors ligne off line
hors période Outside the Reporting Period
hors résultat excluding profit/oss
hors structure variable cost by diagnosis, as opposed to fixed per room cost, in hospital billing.
HS/HC exo overtime/additional hours exempted
Entered by: Paula Price
IAT Indemnité d\'Administration et de Technicité
identité identicalness - check to ensure that the two are identical
immobilisation fixed asset
immobilisation des dépenses capitalization of expenditures
immobilisations comptables recorded in fixed asset accounts
immobilisations décomposables subclassifiable or itemisable fixed assets
immobilisations du domain concédé conceded domain/property fixed assets
Immobilisations financières long-term investments
immobilisations nettes de reprise fixed-asset depreciation expense net of write-back/(allowances for depreciation and impairment of) non-current assets, net of reversal(s)
IMMOS INC. Intangible Assets
impôts différés actifs par nature de différence temporelle deferred tax assets by nature of timing difference
Entered by: Carlos Alvarez
impot différé actif deferred tax assets
imputation au produit allocation to product
Entered by: Didier Fourcot
imputation budgétaire budget item
incorporel d\'acquisition acquisition intangibles other than goodwill
Ind Forf Trav Sup Adm Cen Indemnité forfaitaire de travaux Supplémentaire.........
Entered by: Neal Allen
Indemn. NI Non-taxable allowance
Entered by: Chakib Roula
indemnité impatriation inpatriation allowance
Entered by: Paula Price
information notification of
Installations générales, agencements et aménagements des constructions General equipping and fitting out [of buildings]
intérêts immobilisés capitalised interest
introduction en bourse IPO (initial public offering)
inventaire de caisse cash count
investissement définitivement libérée d\'impôt ou rapportée au bénéfice imposable investment allowances that are tax-free or included within taxable profits
investissement en titres consolidés investment in shares of consolidated companies
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