The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

French to English Advertising / Public Relations Translation Glossary

French term English translation
fresque humaine (mass) human formation
fronton fascia (sign)
Garde-corps shelf guard
gestionnaires directs des plus grandes marques clientes du groupe hands-on managers of the biggest client brands of the group
grammaire animatique visual grammar
gratuits free circulation publications
grille de délais delivery schedule
hauts verres (lunettes) deep lenses (spectacles)
identitaire representational
identité propre à l'émetteur identity matching with the sender
il cultive des positions tranchees he adopts an uncompromising/firm stance
imbrications interwoven visuals
Entered by: John Marston
information transversale company-wide information
informations transversales cross-disciplinary / cross-functional information
intégrations inserts
intime collective collective inner awareness
intissé nonwoven (fabrics)
investir le média à grands coups de formats publicitaires... using an adveritsing blitz approach (where the same message is repeated again and again)
Jouez les professionnels Play like the pros
kakemono kakemono
l'en cours work in progress (maybe??)
L'essayer c'est l'adopter ! Try it and buy it!
la bonne manière the Art of Giving
La bruschetta en 3 mouvements. The bruschetta in three easy/simple steps
la clarté de l'offre Make the product range more identifiable
Entered by: Philippa Smith
la devise de l’encadrement managerial motto
la montée en puissance de l'industriel breton dans son capital Since the Breton industrialist increased his stake in the company
La qualité entre vos mains Feel the quality
La qualité porte un nom Quality carries a name
Entered by: Michele Fauble
la tolérance au prix price tolerance
la valeur n’attend pas le nombre des années you don't need a lifetime to have a wealth of experience
labeliser to quality assess/certify
l’enseigne ou le corps de métier brand or sector
le complice de savoureux instants à partager the ABC will help you savour those special moments together
le corporate business
le staphylocoque doré Staphylococcus aureus
Entered by: Gordana Podvezanec
le verbe juste (using) just the right language
Entered by: Tony M
les coordonnées de 70 000 entreprises the contact details of 70,000 firms
Les intervalles de vidange et de révision s'agrandissent time elapsed between oil changes and tune-ups is longer
les livres qui font la cote Tomes that set the tone
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