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Italian to English Food & Drink Translation Glossary

Italian term English translation
erba di Silene Bladder Campion
esaltatori del gusto flavor enhancers
espresso d'autore signature espresso or gourmet espresso
estrarre al freddo Cold extract
Entered by: Maria Burnett
estratto di vaniglia da bacche vanilla bean extract
Entered by: Franco Rigoni
eumicetica eumycetic
Entered by: Howard Sugar
evo extra virgin olive oil
Entered by: Maria Burnett
fa salve e acquisisce tutte le disposizioni shall not affect and does acknowledge the provisions
Entered by: Claudia Letizia
fagiolo/fagiolino bean/French bean, string bean, green bean
Entered by: Angela Arnone
Farina 00 very fine Italian 00 flour
farina di granella grain/wheat flour
farina di grano tenero tipo 0 soft wheat flour type 0;plain/all purpose/pastry flour
farina di riso impalpabile superfine/ impalpable rice flour
farina maltata malted flour
Farina tipo "O" Flour type "0"
Entered by: Sabrina Eskelson
Farine nobili premium flours
farro spezzato sottovuoto vacuum-packed cracked spelt
fascine di rame fascine di rami: bundles of twigs/faggots
fesa topside
fesa del prosciutto di cervo top round of deer ham
fibra solubile d'acacia soluble acacia fibre
fibrocellule muscolari Muscle Fibers
filatura drawing/extruding
Filetto di platessa panata Breaded plaice fillet
filiera corta short supply chain
filonare shape into loaves (with a loaf molding machine)
Filone Cured pork loin
filtro serico di forma piramidale pyramid-shaped silk mesh filter
Entered by: Maria Burnett
finemente abbinati A delicious combination of...
finestrella slot
Entered by: Paul O'Brien
fiordilatte fiordilatte
Entered by: Angela Arnone
fiordilatte (come ingrediente) 'fiordilatte' fresh cow's milk cheese
fiscelle sigillate sealed shallow conical baskets (fiscelle)
flocculatori orizzontali a letto fluido fluidized bed horizontal flocculator
foie gras al caramello nori foie gras with nori caramel / caramel nori
fondo saute
fontina d’alpeggio Fontina
foratura perforation
forma di formaggio a (whole) cheese
forma maritata a tutori vivi the \"married\" form, trained up the trunks of trees
Entered by: Dareth Pray
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