The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Spanish to English Aerospace / Aviation / Space Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
Licencias y certificados de aptitud de la tripulación crew licenses and qualification certificates
longitud de espera waiting line area / queue area
Entered by: Esther van der Wal
los equipos de extension de incendio Extinción/Fire extinguishing equipment
los motores en la cola del Caravelle tail-mounted engines of the Caravelle
Los revestimientos, tipo ojiva, the nose fairings for [auxiliary] fuel tanks
Los taladros....encasquillados the drilled holes/provided with bushings
losa de silo silo slab
maneral fire handle
Entered by: BristolTEc
manga de avión jetway
mantenimiento en línea line maintenance
Manto cover or protective cover
matricula vs partida registral registration vs registry entry
Método de Rastreo en Cuadrado Creciente expanding square search
Móvil Ground vehicle
MDS Material and Disbursement Services (MDS)
mejoramiento de pista runway upgrade (improvement)
mesa de transferencia transfer platform
mesas de transferencia transfer tables
molinete turnstile
monomotor doble mando visual single-engine dual control VFR
Monomotores and Multimotores Terrestres single and multi-engine land planes
monomotores terrestres single-engine landplanes
Montaje de conjuntos Mounting of assemblies / assembly mounting
mto. menor - mto. mayor minor and major maintenance
muelles (aeropuerto) (airport) docks
Número de acciones y parte del capital que representan (estas) number of shares (of stock) and the amount of capital stock represented by such shares
necesidades que lo justifican the requirements which justify them
niveles de comodidad estándar satisfactory comfort level
no habia por lo menos una potencia simétrica fuerte que ocasionara problemas at least there was no strong symmetrical power that would cause problems [Note: should be "assymetrical" not "symmetrical"]
no pudiendo aplicarse una sola de ellas and not solely one of them may be applied
Entered by: Ruth Ramsey
nocturización night capability
Numero economico code number
OCC OCC, Operations Control Center
para atender al avión: 5 min. antes de calzos To service the plane: 5 minutes prior to wheel chocks
para la obtención de las habilitaciones IFR y multimotores terrestres in order to obtain Instrument and multi-engine (land) ratings
para la transformación del curso C.A.T.A. en curso M.C.C. to convert the Air Transport Adaptation Course (CATA) into the Multi-Crew Cooperation (MCC) course
parada de motor de precaución precautionary engine stop
parte de vuelo flight report
Pasador de seguridad de la válvula derivadora del timón de tren de nariz Security pin of the valve controlling the nose gear steering
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