The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Spanish to English Computers (general) Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
Conduce conducting / guiding / handling/ administring
Entered by: Rafa Lombardino
confíen reliably install
confirmando su alta en el sistema confirming that you are registered in the system
Consultoría TIC Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Consultancy Services
consumibles de ordenador computer consumables
consumo masivo de los recursos informáticos mass usage of the available corporate IT and telematic resources
contador counter
contenedor de ficheros data library file
Entered by: Richard Jenkins
contra la red offline
Entered by: William Pairman
contratación de productos de riesgo risk management product paperwork
Contrato de Ampliacion Contract extension
Control de Cambios Track Changes
Control de ediciones Version control
Entered by: Edward Tully
controlador // manejador (Inf.) driver (Comp.)
cordones de parcheo de fibra óptica multimodo SC SC connector type multimode Fiber Optic patch cords
corridas de computadora computer runs
creación de instancias creation of instances
cubierta de acrílico color humo smoked-coloured acrylic cover
cubiertas de sistemas intermedios de computo. covers for mid-range computer systems
cumplimiento de SLA compliance with / fulfillment of SLA(s)
datos en claro unencrypted
Entered by: Justin Peterson
de batalla utilitarian / practical / for daily use / not pretentious or sophisticated
de forma redundada redundantly
Debe especificar el ancho del flash The width of the flash player must be set
definición de carta “…definition of a letter to…” or “…the definition of a letter to…”
dependencia entre actores de un sistema interdependence between system users
Desarrollo de frontal (parte frontal de un software) Front end
desconfiguración del sistema operativo corrupted operating system
desfasar phase shift
Despapelización going paper-free/paperless
desplegable drop-down menu
Entered by: Victoria Porter-Burns
desplegados gráficos graphic displays
destarear detar
dimensionamiento en frío cold dimensioning
Dimonsionar el impacto en tiempo y en días / hombre measure the impact in terms of time and days / man
directora de informática IT Manager/Director of IT/IT Director
discos conectados por fibra/espacio en disco por fibra fibre-connected discs/fibre-connected disc space
diseño de pliegos técnicos design of technical specifications
dispositivos hardware
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