Translation Glossaries from the Web
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English-French Standard glossary of terms used in Software Testing (Glossaire CFTL/ISTQB des termes utilisés en tests de logiciels)
International Software Testing Qualifications Board (Comité Français des Tests Logiciels) |
In compiling this glossary the working party has sought the views and comments of as broad a spectrum of opinion as possible in industry, commerce and government bodies and organizations, with the aim of producing an international testing standard which would gain acceptance in as wide a field as possible. Total agreement will rarely, if ever, be a... View more
Glosario automoción EN-ES
National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence |
The English-Spanish Glossary has been compiled by a panel of bilingual technical experts and takes into account the various dialects of Spanish commonly spoken.
Glossary of eye terminology
Barbara Cassin, M.Ed. Melvin L. Rubin, M.D., editor |
Common terms -- symptoms, tests, treatments, surgery, diseases & conditions, anatomy -- eye doctors use. These definitions may help you understand them better. More than 5,000 of the most frequently used terms and phrases associated with the eye and vision, and 1,000 abbreviations and acronyms. Definitions are in "plain English" so everyone can ... View more
The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary is ideal for both medical professionals and anyone who wants to keep up with the burgeoning array of terminology found in today's medical news. By avoiding jargon, the dictionary offers concise and easily accessible information for users searching for descriptions of over-the-counter or prescripti... View more
This is for the use of beginners who want to learn Yoruba and those who want to speak it as a second language (L2). The set of people that fall into this category are: § Those who marry to Yoruba spouses § Non-Yoruba students § Yoruba children born abroad § Those who have interest in speaking the langua... View more
Medical Laboratory Tests online
Labtests Online |
Medical Laboratory Tests and their interpretation. 6 European languages: explains things like blood and urine tests, gives units used and normal ranges.
The national institute for automotive service excellence (ASE) |
This is a list of automotive technical terms in English and Spanish. Many of the terms listed are used in the ASE test specifications, task lists, and test questions. This glossary is intended to be used when preparing for and taking the ASE tests. The Spanish translations are provided to help technicians and reader/translators properly int... View more
A detailed glossary which explains medical procedures
in a simple way.
For example:
MRI Scan
An MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scan is a radiology technique using magnetism, radio waves, and a computer to produce images of body structures.
FEMFM - Glossary (Mechanical & Materials Engineering )
FEMFM - Federation of European Manufacturers of Friction Materials |
Technical glossary of friction materials: international technical terms in five european languages
Ce glossaire vous permettra de découvrir la définition des termes les plus couramment rencontrés dans l'univers du magazine MESURES.
nuclear glossary
Scientific Digital Visions, Inc. |
terms covering nuclear chemistry, nuclear physic, nuclear engineering, and radiation biochemistry. The nuclear terminology is now supplemented with military terminology, environmental terminology, and federal regulations terminology. Specialized suites of terms were then added and include U.S. nuclear weapons tests, effects of nuclear weapons, nuc... View more
de Informaci�n y Documentaci�n en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades (ISOC), hoy CINDOC |
Esta nueva versión del TESAURO ISOC DE PSICOLOGIA es el resultado de completar, actualizar y mejorar, en la medida de lo posible, el aparecido en 1992 como versión provisional. A esta edición se le ha querido dar un valor añadido, incorporando un anexo con los nombres específicos de tests, cuestionarios y escalas y una lista onomástica de los autor... View more
GeneReview's Genetics Glossary
University of Washington, Seattle |
Genetics glossary
English monolingual dictionary of psychological terms
There are currently over 400 words in the Economic Glossary. The links beside each bullet point will take you to a resource on that topic. So "Money, Value of" will take you to an article detailing where money gets its value. A number of free online economics textbooks that will help you ace your economics tests and help you better understand how t... View more
Two monolingual dictionaries in Spanish and English.
La Enciclopedia Ilustrada de Salud (Health Illustrated Encyclopedia) de A.D.A.M. incluye más de 4.000 artículos acerca de enfermedades, exámenes, síntomas, lesiones y procedimientos quirúrgicos. También contiene una biblioteca extensa de fotografías médicas e ilustraciones. Para más... View more
helpful for translating medical presciptions, lab reports.
Great site to help you understand what a game is like, find links to other websites for the same game, understand buttons and moves, tactics. Games are previewed before they go on sale, tests are done after games come out on the market (usually within the first week) and forums can be helpful if you don't understand certain actions, or buttons. F... View more